My outdoor decided to bud early and create mutant leaves ... pics

This plant has been on my deck for the last month and a half ... it just started blooming, and on the top of each branch are single mutant leaves, covered in little globes of resin ... should I be pulling this 1 foot plant up soon? Wussup with those single leaves?


It is Train Wreck ... it has an aroma which you can smell from 10' away ...


ArrOgNt RocKstAR

Well-Known Member
Its auto-flowering... you said its train wreck? i've never seen an auto-flowring train wreck... very cool, if ya dont mind me asking did you order the seeds from some place?

Dont cut it down yet. Let it flower for at least 40-50 days


Well-Known Member
dont no bout autoflowering . but if u set it out end of april that may have been too early for her in ure area . if she persists to flower, flush her and feed it some flowering nutes . it may also try 2 go back into veg and u may notice leaves starting to go back to a typical look 3-5-7-9 bladed leaves in that order just from my exp. in a reveging outdoor plant good luk


Active Member
I have no idea on WTF is up wit ur plant not to experinced with growing yet but ur plant looks cool and train week is a great smoke best of luck on ur plant bro


Well-Known Member
Ive had some weird issues this year with a few strains that for some reason went into flowering, Ive planted outdoors pretty much the same time every year and this year for some reason a few of the strains, 1 church and couple of bubbas started flowering, the church is almost 3 ft tall and is full on blooming, no idea how or why it happened, Im still deciding whether I want to pull her and replace with a different strain, only reason it went outside was because of how vigorous the plant started out, but Im confused. We've had alot of overcast weather for extended period of time which isnt usual for this time of year, but overcast or not the light cycle should not induce flowering, so Im officially confused.
This plant was a clone from the clinic ... when I got it, it was four tiny fan leaves and about 2" tall in vermiculite.
I have only been giving it Pura Vida grow formula and misting the leaves with purified water. I also breathe on it a lot and inhale its natural beauty.


Well-Known Member
Ive had some weird issues this year with a few strains that for some reason went into flowering, Ive planted outdoors pretty much the same time every year and this year for some reason a few of the strains, 1 church and couple of bubbas started flowering, the church is almost 3 ft tall and is full on blooming, no idea how or why it happened, Im still deciding whether I want to pull her and replace with a different strain, only reason it went outside was because of how vigorous the plant started out, but Im confused. We've had alot of overcast weather for extended period of time which isnt usual for this time of year, but overcast or not the light cycle should not induce flowering, so Im officially confused.
what makes you think the light cycle shouldn't induce flowering? that's exactly what induces flowering ...

Some macros of my mutant plant. The leaves start out like a green potato crisp, then unroll to one serrated leaf.

They are COVERED in these little globuals of ... I assume the best?


Well-Known Member
Except for the smell, I don't think anyone would recognize it as a pot plant from any distance. Looks like it might turn out to be ok. I wouldn't pull it unless you are really strapped for space.


Well-Known Member
Your plant is getting ready to veg again which is a god thing. Let them grow out. Should start getting some nice veg growth again in the next week or two and a good month or so of real vegging before it goes back to flower.


Well-Known Member
This plant has been on my deck for the last month and a half ... it just started blooming, and on the top of each branch are single mutant leaves, covered in little globes of resin ... should I be pulling this 1 foot plant up soon? Wussup with those single leaves?
Lol, you should clone that. Looks like the most unrecognizable weed in the world. The things you could get away with.
The ironic thing is, I am TOTALLY LEGAL. I possess the CA medical marijuana get out of shit free card. I need not hide the mutant, at least not from the local constabulary.

I sure as hell
Can't hide the smell.


Well-Known Member
the reason plants shouldnt be flowering is where I live were getting more than 14 hrs of light a day, so plants should not be flowering, I just have two plants that started flowering, all the others are growing perfectly


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what has happened here. Now pay very close attention, when you breathe on the plant your funky breath is sooooo bad that the plant need to produce resin to protect itself. Stop breathing on her! lol baby.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what has happened here. Now pay very close attention, when you breathe on the plant your funky breath is sooooo bad that the plant need to produce resin to protect itself. Stop breathing on her! lol baby.:peace:
I believe this post is factually sound.


Well-Known Member
looks to me like it went back into vegetative state from flowering. it will probably be fine, sure looks cool