My own organic recipe


Active Member
Hey guys,
Finally, I found a recipe that worked quite well in all the growth stages.
Hope this would help someone. Or maybe I can get some good tips.
I am also including the product links that I am using to see the contents.

I am growing in 3-gallon fabric pots. Where it is almost impossible to overwater the plants.
Soil mixture to start from seed by volume:
%40 coco
%25 fresh sphagnum moss, dried ones also work.
%20 perlite
%15 worm compost

Coco + Perlite gives great water retention.
Sphagnum moss helps control the PH & holds water greatly.
Worm compost gives microbes and nutrition while you start.

%90 of the time just water + citric acid to bring PH around 6.0
%10 of the time using microbes instead of citric acid.
Also, I cook some compost tea If I have the energy to do it.
Especially during the transition from Veg to Flowering where soil starts to exhaust.

Vegetative (Top feed) - Put some extra sphagnum moss on top after you feed for better effect.
50gr Worm humus
20gr Pokon NPK 5-5-10 + 2MgO -
3gr Seaweed -
1.5gr Sea bird guano - NPK 12-12-3 -
1.5gr Lava -

Flowering (Top feed)
50gr Worm humus
30gr Pokon 5-5-10 + 2MgO
5gr Seaweed
3gr Sea bird guano
2gr Lava

For fighting with Bugs
Nematodes - Super effective for springtails and others below the soil.
Neem oil - Super effective for things above the soil, not an option in mid-late flowering.
Diatomaceous earth - Sprinkle on top, bottom soak the fabric pot for some days.

Re-cycle Soil
After you are done with the growing, put soil into a large bin with almost boiling water, stir well and wait some time.
The floating materials will be, coco, sphagnum moss, and perlite. Rest, you should throw.
Collect them into the pot back and run some hot water through. This will also kill bugs/eggs if there are any.
Hey guys,
Finally, I found a recipe that worked quite well in all the growth stages.
Hope this would help someone. Or maybe I can get some good tips.
I am also including the product links that I am using to see the contents.

I am growing in 3-gallon fabric pots. Where it is almost impossible to overwater the plants.
Soil mixture to start from seed by volume:
%40 coco
%25 fresh sphagnum moss, dried ones also work.
%20 perlite
%15 worm compost

Coco + Perlite gives great water retention.
Sphagnum moss helps control the PH & holds water greatly.
Worm compost gives microbes and nutrition while you start.

%90 of the time just water + citric acid to bring PH around 6.0
%10 of the time using microbes instead of citric acid.
Also, I cook some compost tea If I have the energy to do it.
Especially during the transition from Veg to Flowering where soil starts to exhaust.

Vegetative (Top feed) - Put some extra sphagnum moss on top after you feed for better effect.
50gr Worm humus
20gr Pokon NPK 5-5-10 + 2MgO -
3gr Seaweed -
1.5gr Sea bird guano - NPK 12-12-3 -
1.5gr Lava -

Flowering (Top feed)
50gr Worm humus
30gr Pokon 5-5-10 + 2MgO
5gr Seaweed
3gr Sea bird guano
2gr Lava

For fighting with Bugs
Nematodes - Super effective for springtails and others below the soil.
Neem oil - Super effective for things above the soil, not an option in mid-late flowering.
Diatomaceous earth - Sprinkle on top, bottom soak the fabric pot for some days.

Re-cycle Soil
After you are done with the growing, put soil into a large bin with almost boiling water, stir well and wait some time.
The floating materials will be, coco, sphagnum moss, and perlite. Rest, you should throw.
Collect them into the pot back and run some hot water through. This will also kill bugs/eggs if there are any.
Add some bentonite calcium clay. All nutes,except Nitrogen have a positive charge, Clay is negative charge. Holds nutrients from leaching.
Add some bentonite calcium clay. All nutes,except Nitrogen have a positive charge, Clay is negative charge. Holds nutrients from leaching.

Thanks for the advice, I am keeping CalMag at hand just in case.

Can you elaborate a little what bentonite will bring?
Thanks for the advice, I am keeping CalMag at hand just in case.

Can you elaborate a little what bentonite will bring?
Bentonite Clay has a negative charge (-), while the NPK and micronutrients have a positive charge (+). Nitrogen has a negative charge like clays. That's why nitrogen has too be replaced often. Calcium and magnesium, have double positive charge (++) it'll hang on to the clays and is extremely hard to leach out. If you look at loam topsoil ( the best) it is made up of Equal parts Sand, Silt and CLAY. Did that help ? ( Clay is very important too organic grows)
Add some bentonite calcium clay. All nutes,except Nitrogen have a positive charge, Clay is negative charge. Holds nutrients from leaching.
Walmart (Special kitty $620#)
This is calcium bentonite clay, top 3 in agricultural clays soak the clay 24 hrs and drain 24 hrs.✔️
Bentonite Clay has a negative charge (-), while the NPK and micronutrients have a positive charge (+). Nitrogen has a negative charge like clays. That's why nitrogen has too be replaced often. Calcium and magnesium, have double positive charge (++) it'll hang on to the clays and is extremely hard to leach out. If you look at loam topsoil ( the best) it is made up of Equal parts Sand, Silt and CLAY. Did that help ? ( Clay is very important too organic grows)
Thanks, mate, now it makes sense, sound like a nute buffer that stabilizes things.
I will definitely try it on my next grow.
Walmart (Special kitty $620#)
This is calcium bentonite clay, top 3 in agricultural clays soak the clay 24 hrs and drain 24 hrs.✔
ohh never thought of cat litter. what should be the percentage? replacing with coco or perlite?