My pet Spider.


Active Member
So I built a PIMP hydro cabinet, stealth style, in an armoire, and copped a few clones from a buddy to get started with. I got a cool little forest going now!

Yesterday, while misting my kids and generally doing upkeep, I noticed a fuzzy little Wolf Spider running around, popping out from behind this plant or that, jumping from pot to pot, and generally acting like the Lord of my Domain. I almost sent him to the Great Spider Web in my toilet, when it occurred to me:

Maybe hes good for the armoire? He doesnt make webs (hes a wolf spider), and he obviously is on the hunt, cause every time I see him hes lookin for food. The little guy even crawls down inside the Aerogarden on a heatpad Ive been using as my cloner, and inspects it for pests.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Good or Bad? After thinking about it all day I conisdered buying a Praying Mantis or two and setting them free as well, 1 per chamber, flowering and veg.

Anyone got any thoughts on this? Or am I just being a giant teenage boy in a 35 year old mans body with my consideration of putting pest control pets into my environment?




Active Member
I had a black widow in mine i had in my basement onces but once i discovered her i quicky got rid of her im not about to be smoking little black widows


Well-Known Member
I had a black widow in mine i had in my basement onces but once i discovered her i quicky got rid of her im not about to be smoking little black widows
lol funny u say that...cuz a while ago there was a thread on here about a guy who put a black widow spider in his bowl with his weed and smoked the spider with the weed...apparently he'd read somewhere that it would enhance his buzz or something to smoke a black widow


Active Member
must have been wives tales for dummies rofl who would want to smoke a spider...even if someone told you it would get you 'higher'

id say bye bye to mr. wolf spider, just on the basis that smoking insects is not kool!


Well-Known Member
i love spiders...i would only get rid of them if they were causing problems, but if they arent hurting the plants...just let em be


Active Member
Yeah I was leaning towards leaving him be myself. Hes way to big to miss if I was gonna smoke him lol.

I think Ill let him roll for a bit, and see if he wanders off or sticks around.

Stay up.



Well-Known Member
I have SEVERE arachnophobia, and even I know that they are beneficial. I have 3 stubborn generic web spinners. They started out between the plants. I accidentally walked into one, thus causing my voice to hit notes I was never meant to hit, and me to thrash about wildly thus destroying the web.They have retreated to the back corners after I knocked the webs down a few times.

What is more troubling is the thought that if there wasn't a food source, they wouldn't be there.


Well-Known Member
i would totally leave spiders alone.
they eat bad bugs.
Wolf spider huh?
we have them here but they get friggin HUGE
as big as my hand and hairy pitch shite.


Well-Known Member
i would totally leave spiders alone.
they eat bad bugs.
Wolf spider huh?
we have them here but they get friggin HUGE
as big as my hand and hairy pitch shite.
haha hell yeah...saw one as big as my hand about 2 months back, it looked like it was from the amazon