My plan - CFL/LED Closet grow


Active Member
So I drew my plan for a three-step room. My plan is to have four plants in each room for four weeks in each room.

My only concern is the depth is only about 50 cm, so my pots would only be around 20x20 cm

I have all the things except the actual closet, oscillating fans and the led light. Would you recommend using the UFO? My alternative would just be a 125 w CFL 2700k.

The exhaust would be replacing the closet's air every 30 seconds, so I'm pretty sure it is enough for this closet.. Right?

Ohh and here is a link to IKEA's website where I found the closet (It's in danish though :b)



Nice plans and well thought out, couple of suggestions; i'd switch round the veg and 1-4 week flowering room, you don't want thos bigger heavier plants comming thru and crushin your babies. And the light setup would work, but maybe think about swithcing the ufo to the 4-8 week room, ive had good results with 2x 125 cfl in veg and 180/240w led flower; thats assuming your led has plenty of the red spectrum. Good luck ;-)


Active Member
Nice plans and well thought out, couple of suggestions; i'd switch round the veg and 1-4 week flowering room, you don't want thos bigger heavier plants comming thru and crushin your babies. And the light setup would work, but maybe think about swithcing the ufo to the 4-8 week room, ive had good results with 2x 125 cfl in veg and 180/240w led flower; thats assuming your led has plenty of the red spectrum. Good luck ;-)
Good idea On switching the rooms :) i'm just not going to invest in huge leds , so i thought a single UFO between veg and final flower foule work great , since it still has some blue spectrum.. What other LED would you recommend ? I can't get a blackstar from the States without risking huge taxes...?