My planned setup tell me what you think ...


Hi , So this is a list of all the stuff im getting for my grow the list is as follows ...

Tent : 1.2mx 1.2mx 2.0m[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Lights : At the moment i cant decide between either a 400w or 600w hps but its one or the other and its just a magnetic ballast at the moment i will get digital one for the next grow and no cooltube but will get one for the next grow also ...
for seedlings and the first 4 weeks i was just thinking some t5's should be ok but i can get a 400w or 600w mh cant decide on that either to be honest ...

Grow Medium : Soil . biobizz all mix
[/FONT] 20% sphagnum peat moss, 35% garden peat, 10% high quality organic Worm-Humus , 30% perlite and 5% Pre-Mix i was going to get some more perlite to add i have had some watering issues in the past

Anyway the questions i have are i plan to grow maybe 5-10 plants in that tent depends on what lights i get the 400w or 600w and could i grow 10 good healthy plants in that tent with a 400w or would i need a 600w

also i forgot to mention ill have this fan and carbon filter kit : tt100 turbo fan and a basic cheap carbon filter

Nutrients : biobizz organic bio grow and bio bloom are all i can really find that seem suitable for mj plants

my strains are a mix of indoor indicas from viranna i plan on getting them because its a mix so i have alot of choice to smoke when there done instead of just one strain ...

Anyway sorry this thread is so unorganized but .. all i have to ask atm is what yield can i expect to get with this kit and 5-10 plants on the 400w or 600w i know it depends alot on strains but hoping everything is sucessful could i get an estimate ... Thanks

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