My plant is doing leaf gymnastics(leaves are twisting!)


Well-Known Member
Ok here are some pics of a smallish plant that will twist and turn the first couple of fan leaves to the points they will actually turn completely upside down.

This is my veg cupboard and They are in 100% coco using canna coco AB and this will usually happen about half an hour after lights come on then correct itself about 3-4 hours later and the plant will look normal.

Ive included pics of when the plants is totally warped and when it goes back to normal.

I cant see it being a problem with media or watering as all the other plants in the room dont do it and have all the same medium and water levels.

The ventilation is quite bad though, with no in or out fans just a passive fan blowing around inside.

If you take a look at the picks the plant will literary mangle itself then correct itself a few hours after lights come on.

Some more info that may help:

RH at its highest with the current heat we have atm gets up to 80% and 33 degrees cel at highest temps.

All the smaller plants are clones from the big plant which was doing very badly in a 50/50 coco/perlite mix but is now going crazy after transplanting it into 100% coco and doing really well.

Any help is much appreciated, thanks.



Well-Known Member
Ok just to get my point across pics one and two are of the same plant that half an hour ago leaves were twisting and turning upside down and has now just about rectified itself and the rest of the pics are are of plants that don't do it but are of all the same age, same medium, same environment and from the same mother(last pic is my hempy bucket experiment.)




Active Member
Give me a full rundown of your nutrient program. The thing with coco is that, unlike soil, it contains basically no nutrients.

Twisting leaves are characteristic of numerous deficiencies - including: Magnesium, Copper and Molybdenum.

Especially in coco - you must ensure that your plants are getting a complete nutrient program to ensure the recieve all necessary
food for them to grow.

1) What is your nutrient program?
2) PH runoff?
3) Feeding schedule?

The more information you can give the easier it will be to diagnose the problem.

We will get these bitches thriving!

- Cheers


Well-Known Member
Give me a full rundown of your nutrient program. The thing with coco is that, unlike soil, it contains basically no nutrients.

Twisting leaves are characteristic of numerous deficiencies - including: Magnesium, Copper and Molybdenum.

Especially in coco - you must ensure that your plants are getting a complete nutrient program to ensure the recieve all necessary
food for them to grow.

1) What is your nutrient program?
2) PH runoff?
3) Feeding schedule?

The more information you can give the easier it will be to diagnose the problem.

We will get these bitches thriving!

- Cheers
Thanks for the reply Dota

1. Canna coco A and B at around 400ppm, 6.0pH, im trying the less is more thing because im getting yellowing of the leaves and such.
2.I dont really test PH on my runoff very often but i think it usually comes out at 5.0pH.
3.AtM they look overwatered to me so im only feeding them every second day, when the coco is still very moist but gets bouncy like pressing on a sponge cake.

Further things to add that may help:

MY tapwater is 7.9pH and 100ppm

Im using powdered ph up and down meant for aquarium fish tanks - could it be a

Coco brand:
It seems to be of good quality even after just one flush with straight 100ppm water it will runoff only 120ppm and it also carries the "RHP Dutch stamp of quality" if that means anything. Pic of it at bottom.

Now before this, i was flushing the hell out of my coco and mixing it 50/50 with perlite and thats when the big mother plant was doing very badly and any clones in the same mix as well( i binned a clone from that mix the other day due to space and it had virtually no root system) vertually all the leaves were yellowing and the plants just looked shitty.

NOW ive cut out the perlite all together and im not flushing the coco just soaking it overnight in a 400 ppm soup of canna coco AB then ringing it out and using it and im seeing much greater results. But then i get over watering symptoms a week later when a clone starts growing big fan leaves, but no yellowing and the plants just look more lush and green.

well thats what i can come up with ATM i hope it helps ill try and input some more info when it comes to mind.

Thanks again.



Active Member
You shouldn't be watering if your medium is still wet and spongy. I think you are right in thinking that your plants are waterlogged. The thing with coco is that it retains it's water well, and so you have to be careful to keep enough oxygen in your medium for your roots to breath. Roots need air as much as they do water, and if your medium is swampy - they can't get the necessary O2 they need to penetrate. Also - since coco contains basically no organic nutrients - you need to supplement. Coco has 0 of the micro organisms or enzymes you find in soil - thus you need to add them. I would suggest picking up some Botanicare Cal/MG, and some - and most definitely invest in PH modifiers designed for cannabis! Hope this helps homie - let me know if you have any other questions.

- Cheers
- Big D


Active Member
No one thinks the PH is the problem? Runoff of 5.0 is low, especially for a mix. I had twisting leaves like that and my problem was definitely the PH.

I've only grown with aero, but I was under the impression the runoff should be closer to like 6.3-6.5?


Active Member
Umm...I seem to be missing the problem. The leaves are stretching toward the lights, any plant will do that. Shit I've got leaves on the bottom of my plants that are completely upside-down, taking advantage of the reflection off the mylar :leaf:

Coco shouldn't have pH problems to my knowledge. It's real hard to f that up in coco


Well-Known Member
it does look like they are water logged..

but your PH is also an issue I believe

your 6.0 water is being brought down to 5.0 by your medium which tells me your medium is under 5.0... somewhere between 4.5-4.9... worst case 4.0
Not ideal.....

Water with some higher PH'd water for the next couple waterings... and watch your runoff PH try getting it higher.

Isn't 400ppm a bit low too??