My plant is growing very slow :(


Hi to every weed lover :)
Guyz several days ago i have planted a sprouted seed. I have mentioned that it grows very very slow. I think that it is caused by low light. I have 80 watt cfls. Another idea is that i did not plant it in small pot, but in big pot. what do u think, what is the problem?


Well-Known Member
whatz the temp in the room..............the soil temp is a big factor in how fast it roots and grows (warmer is better mid 80s great for this stage)

how offen are u watering it much watering reduces the intake on the roots and they do not grow as fast

the light should not be a issue right now with it being a spourt a cfl or t5 light is good for them


the temp in growroom is 25-27 Celsius. i water it 2 times a day, every 12 hour because it drys.


New Member
The roots can't get oxygen if you are over watering. You should let them have a chance to want the water then the roots grow out to search for it. I water two times a week and don't do it routine because humidity and temps change daily the evaporation will be a little different dsily. Fill a bucket of dirt the same size as your plants. When they are almost as light as that, then you water.

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New Member
Opps responded to the wrong post lol sorry ;) im having same problem with slow growth too but I have a cal/mag deficiency and in flowering stage.

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New Member
Stop watering twice a day, jesus you don't even water once a day. Water once every 3 days even if the soil is dry.