my plant is hungry


Active Member
i poured a lot of water because the pot was salted. now the leaves are like this. what vitamin do you think the plant wants?


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt that it's a cal/mag issue. Grow/micro/bloom has pretty much all the macro/micro's. Read the labels, as I use Connisuer 2 part, not the 3 part, and my plants chug along just fine, and I've never had a "salt buildup" issue that required me to "flush" my plants. Since you've flushed them, I'd feed them a half dose a couple days apart. A couple of dying leaves that far into bud, I wouldn't even sweat, just pluck them and move on.


Well-Known Member
Your plant don’t look bad at all that lower leaf dying off will happen as they are old and you are flowering. Looks good though keep it up. What kinda food you using.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
With those nutrients and that size plants you were not locked out due to salt buildup
If you saw white on pot it may have been calcium
For the most part flushing is for toilets
Feed her and let medium dry a bit to get back on track