My plant is too big


Well-Known Member

My plant is 4 weeks old. Im not sure what strain it is, I got it randomly. As you can see from the picture, its growing pretty good (Ive trimmed it substantially). Its in a 5 gallon bucket.

It is too wide and not tall enough? Not enough leaves working towards the light? Any help would be awesome. Thank you.

View attachment 2267716


Well-Known Member
looks like it has phophorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, and uranium deficiencies. it also looks like it could use 1 gallon of superthrive, but make sure you dilute it to 3424534:3432 ppm otherwise you'll burn the shit out of it and have to flush with purified, polarized water for 3 weeks. also use high end nutes like SuperMegaTiger Grow, i heard its great.

but seriously, you're plant looks fine.


Well-Known Member
well that was the original plan.. but this is what it looked like 3 days ago.. i felt like the bottom leaves were doing more harm than good..



Well-Known Member
i agree with you but i feel it was smothering the root and soil. there was not enough air flow and CO2 getting to the plant


Well-Known Member
Do you think it will affect the overall outcome of the plant? I plan on letting it grow and not touching it until I turn to the flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
Without seeing more pics, it looks like you topped and cut lower foliage all at once. From what you have, it appears you have branches growing out from one, maybe two, nodes. If two you should be OK, one...not sure.


Well-Known Member
for the future, when topping and pruning what is the proper way? I left 6 major fan leafs and plenty of room underneath here.. hopefully i did it right


Well-Known Member
It really depends on your grow style. You can top above the 2nd true node once you get 5-6 nodes to get 4 main colas (there is a big thread here about it). BUT! You really should not trim anything else unless it is yellow already or will be severely shaded.

You'll probably be OK, your plant looks healthy. Just don't trim any more!


Well-Known Member
ok well thanks for the advice. I feel like an idiot messing with such a healthy plant..

But that brings me to my original question.. It is so bushy and thick but not growing towards the light.. is this normal? does this lead to problems down the line?


Well-Known Member
ok well thanks for the advice. I feel like an idiot messing with such a healthy plant..

But that brings me to my original question.. It is so bushy and thick but not growing towards the light.. is this normal? does this lead to problems down the line?
overall there are two type of weed, Indica and Sativa.

Indica plants tend to be short and fat, like bushes. Sativa plants are long and skinny.

You plant could be an Indica like strain.


Active Member
short and bushy is better...once you start flowering you wont want it to be so tall...its going to sky rocket during flower. bushy is good