My Plant


Hi iam new to this game any help is great.ive just started to grow my first mj plant and have been told that i should repot it now?:confused:heres a pic????????it is 2 weeks old any help would be good many thanks



Well-Known Member
After 2 weeks you should definitely re-pot it. The roots are established and that thing is ready to take off. What size pot is it going in?


Well-Known Member
Depends on a few things. How much space do you have to grow? The bigger the pot, the bigger the root system, the bigger the plant. I have 12 plants all in 5gal pots. It's all up to you how big you want to go.

Do you plan to top the plant? LST? What kind of lights are you using?


dont know if i dare top it. how deep should i repot it? iam using natural light at the moment have her on my window sill but i have some leds


Well-Known Member
If you were to fill the pot it's in almost to the top, that is about how deep I would plant it in the new container (thats me though). It's really up to you...and really up to the new container size. 3 gal? 5 gal? 7 gal? but again, how deep you plant it is up to you. You won't hurt anything by planting it too deep or not deep enough. Just know that after you re-pot that you won't see much new growth for at least a week, so don't freak out lol It's just your roots getting used to their new home.

There is a ton of information on this site man. I would advise you to read most of the stickied threads in newbie central and go from there. Once you get a good understanding of what you should be doing, you'll get more comfortable making little decisions like this on your own :D

Best of luck!!