My Plants 3 Weeks old (Pics)

Just recently added one extra light for them and I will be getting a 400watt light shortly just trying to find one in my shitty town lol
any way, they haven't been feed only on water and again I'm getting big bud feed for them in the next week.

Also they are on 18/6 at the moment and i was wondering when i should change them over to 12/12?



Well-Known Member
Looks stretched to me buddy. get the light closer. But everything should be fine, just more light.
will bury them 2mz and also them bulbs u sed i had sum engery bulbs in wiv thm and they seemed 2 not be doing nothing bt lightthe cupboard up as soon as i stuck the het bulb in thy sprung up


Well-Known Member
oh ya def. stretched. like they said keep the lights close and in no way should u put a 400 watt light on those babies. wut you need is some 23w cfl's 6500k (color spectrum). than when your ready for 12/12 you use the 2700k cfl's. BUT KEEP THAT LIGHT CLOSE
so basically there just energy bulbs???

i had 4 energy bulbs in there 15watt each n equivalent to 75w each, but took them out


Active Member
Looks like your lights is just a little too high, this is what s causing your plants to stretch. I also must ask what type of light you are using because I cant see it in the photo. You need to be using either a Metal Halide or a flourescent light for the vegetative state, these lights provide the plant with the proper spectrum of light. If your are just using plain water now thats ok, but your plants are getting to the age when they will start to need nutrient. I recomend that you go pick up some nutrients. Your plants are still a fair ways away from the flowering stage (12/12), Id let them grow to atleast 30 inch's before I would turn the lights to 12/12. As for a new light, if you cant find one in your small town order online. I recomend ordering from this website They ship everywhere and have a very broad selection of grow lights and brands. Hope this Information is useful. HAPPY GROWING !!!!!

P.S. You may need to let your plants get a little bigger than 30 inches because of the stretching. You want your plant to be bushy and lush with foliage with as little of space between the internodes as possible. If your plant is 30 inches and bushy it would be a pretty good time to flower becuase the plant will stretch a foot or two in the flowering stage.