my plants are taking ages in their flower cycle

right i have 2 white widow under 250w red spec clf they were forced into flower 9 weeks ago and the bud has started to form and have many actively budding sites all over the two plants but at a guestimate no more than maybe a combined wet weight of half oz i know white widow likes to draw out its flower stage to optimize thc production but 9 weeks with such a tiny yeild the nutes and ph have been heavily scrutanized as has the co2 levels and temps.. really sorry no access to a camera atm but am onto it...It has well and trully baffled me so feel free to leave any suggestions..



Active Member
it always takes longer with cfls and are all your lights on top or do you have then spaced around the 2 plants


Active Member
yeah hes right 250 would be good for one plant i run 320 on 1 maybe 2 you would have got the same yeild from just doing one insted of 2