My plants are turning yellow and kinda drying out


Hey its my 1st grow i have 5 plants two of them are clones a d the clones are not doing as well as the xrest i thibk its a nut def but not to sure i want to put them in to flower soon but didn't want to if they look sick can anyone tell me if it is a nut def and am i right on trying to fix the problem b4 flower



Soil was pro mix and fox farm mix 50/50 i woukd have to dig the bags out to tell you kind exactly what ones and heavy 16 nuts


Well-Known Member
Soil was pro mix and fox farm mix 50/50 i woukd have to dig the bags out to tell you kind exactly what ones and heavy 16 nuts
Nutes not nuts. Have you recorded your ppms? Or whats the dose youve been feeding, full/half/quarter, and how often do you feed.


No i cant check ppm i have been giving them the full amount i feed like every 5/6 days i water then feed i just out co2 in and they seem to be drinking alot more this is obe of my other plants. And it seems fine



Well-Known Member
The plant having the problems is thinner looking than the others that are doing well. Id say drop the fertilizer concentration for a while and see if it stops getting worse.