my plants look small and weak compared to outher plants


i have 7 plants,they are all 17 days old,they range from 7-10 inches ,i looked at many outher plants online that are are the same age and they all have more leaves,and there leaves are bigger,my plants are just began to sprout there 2nd set of (true leaves).and there first set of true leaves are only about a little less than a inch this normal?any idea what might be causing this?thanks


i have 2 14 w cfl 1 75 w 24 inch florecent and two 175 w agro-light grow lights,i have them in mixed soils of seeding soil and pot soil,under 18/6 hours of lght. and i dont use nutes,i use sugur water if that counts as nutes tho XD

and drOctipus ,wasnt kushclouds420 a complete fking idiot?check out his post,all he does is post dum stuff lol


Well-Known Member
k well you need 100w per plant at least so or 50w psqm so youre quite under that... plus not really sure how youre combining both the agro lights and a long fluorescent... seedling soil has no nutes in, potting soil prob wont either. Really the minimum you should be going with is compost added... and perlite for aeration. Id start by just sticking to the 2 x 175's and pick your best 2/3/4 plants to put under them? hope that helps - gonna need to give them food if you want them big


Well-Known Member
50 watts per square meter?? Seems a tad light. Pardon the pun lol. But yes more light would help. Not much help with soil though, and a real newb as well.


Active Member
Light you need more light, people on here are gonna say oh nutes stick to the basics water dirt light
And how long do you expect that plain "dirt" to provide that NPK in a container medium? Unless youre using super soil you have to feed your plants. Maybe not as heavy as some people like to, but they need to eat.


Well-Known Member
And what is sugar water? Hopefully its a new line of nutes and not really water and sugar!! You really need to start reading some grow guides and provide the plant with what it needs.