my room is made just need to equip it. Please help


So i made a room in my attic. The flower room is 6x5.6 and 6 feet high. I want to run a 1000 watt in that space. Can it be done and what will i need to do it?


Well-Known Member
So i made a room in my attic. The flower room is 6x5.6 and 6 feet high. I want to run a 1000 watt in that space. Can it be done and what will i need to do it?
Are you asking for a complete run down on how to grow it? Everything? Because if you are - you're shit out of luck. Nobody is going to come in here and explain all that.


Well-Known Member
from what i know about my attic, and by this i mean i do not go up there durring this part of the year, it is too hot to grow weed up there, let alone use a 400w hps light. id look into a closet or basement grow before an attic grow.

you will need a few fans, maybe even an ac unit
big time ventilation depending on ur climate, around where im from thawing roof in the middle of janurary is some what of a red flag lol. big intake and exit fans and a water source so plumb it, me personally i would also put the room on its own double pull 15 amp breaker. paint it flat white, idk wut else do u think nsweedman will need guys?


It can be done but it will need to be very well insulated and you will need a lot of AC. Depending on your area I would say at least 18,000 btu just for that one light being that you are in an attic. If you were in a basement you could get away with less than half that in AC.
yah i agree with kaleo my first thought would be a basement room, u have the natural cooling effect to keep the temps down and even than in a small room like that a 1000 will need air cool hood reflector and some serious air flow


Yeah i do plan on have a air cooled reflector. I was thinking of running my lights at night the exterior temp is around 60 to 68 F. day time 80 F. i was thinking of installing a small window air conditioner. Can i fit a 1000 Watt in a 6 foot ceiling?


Well-Known Member
i would go with a short to med plant. i have a 8x 8x 9.5 with a 1000watt hooked up to a stanley blower that will move up to 2200 cfms. i sm running 1750 at the moment, if i ever get the parts for my portable ac i will be using less cfms to cool my light. the hotter it is the more air i have to move to keep it cool.