My Russet mites didn't spread?


Well-Known Member
To my amazement after counting well over a hundred on some leaves of this One Hash Cake plant; for some reason the two plants next to it on either said I can barely find one after 3 weeks? Ok I did just find like 3 on the outer most leaf of one of the adjacent plants however they are Dead!

My large plants don't touch much but on occasion. And there is space between them. I thought Russets blew around on the breeze?

I sprayed consecutively the center Hash Cake plant that was infected over a few days and there are very few alive on it now. Population seemingly reduced by at least 95%. I still do not know how or why this plant got them since it was one from seed and the one I think they came in on seems free of them (dante inferno)

The two adjacent plants are close to harvest time I did just find one spider mite on the Dante Inferno but After Finding Russet Mites my concerns over the Spider Mites diminished rapidly.

I thought Russets were the absolute worst. Why didn't they spread? Could it be the way my circulation and fans are blowing? I have a strong central fan that turns 360 degrees and also blows up and down. Actually this should have blown them if they were going to. It is a pretty strong fan I think too strong even for oscillation but since it only comes around once every minute, and doesn't hit the same vertical angle every time since it goes like 90-120 degrees up and down while it spins.

I really want to get a V-fan but think my ceilings are too low to make it work properly. I really like the idea of a constant gentle breeze. But I hope and still don't know if the wind speed of my 360 degree fan on low is too much. But like I said since it only hits one plant for like 5 seconds every 60 seconds on high?

I will take a video for feedback later.