My second grow


Hey guys. I just wanted to share my second try at growing. My first time didn't turn out as I planned due to it being my first time. I also made the mistake of planting more than one plant in one pot and when the others turned out to be male and I chopped them, their roots were still in the nutrient with the females rotting and screwing up my nutes.

This time I a good friend sold me some female clones that were 3 weeks old. They were around 1 foot tall when I got them growing in soil. So for the first time, I had to also perform a soil to dwc transplant which really wasn't that hard.

When I got these ladies on Dec. 15 from veg, I put them straight to 12/12.

Im using GH nutes with a few secondary nutes. I started my PPm at around 300ppm then 600 after the first week, then at around the 2nd or 3rd week I went to 900ppm. I now have them swimming at 1300 ppm while each time I add my frozen preready nutes to control dwc temp which is at 1700ppm, the dwc ppm goes up a bit.

I also have co2 injection at 1500 and a dehumidifier which is keeping rh at 30 -50. Room temp has never reached 85f because im only using 1x400 watt hps. The room is 1000watt ready but I decided to have one safe run under my belt before I try 1000watts again. Unlike my first grow which I flowered at 1000w, the temp was reaching mid to high 90f. However, I now have an Ac ready in the room but Im still worried about wasting my precious co2 because I dont know how well the room will seal with the ac running.

Heres a couple of pix from a few minutes ago. The plants are a little over 5 weeks old and I really hope they get a little bigger b4 harvest.

Any advice and comments are trully appriciated.



Well-Known Member
Looks like you have your situation all under control. I've never seen anyone freeze their nute solution before. Interesting idea. Around week 7 they should start puffing out nicely.



Looks like you have your situation all under control. I've never seen anyone freeze their nute solution before. Interesting idea. Around week 7 they should start puffing out nicely.

Looks like you have your situation all under control. I've never seen anyone freeze their nute solution before. Interesting idea. Around week 7 they should start puffing out nicely.

Thanks for the positive comment Brucees. However, im not sure about having my situation completely under control.

After my second or third week, when I did my first flush, I found a couple of the plants had some root rot which almost made me depressed. I guess it was probably because I was being lazy to change the nutes every week or something. So I change the nutes asap. Then I realize that I forgot to add hygrozyme which I heard helps with root rot. I immidietly added the proper amount on my second batch of nutes with the hopes of everything getting better. I also started making double sure that the solution does not reach over 72f which I read also helps with slowing down root rot formation.

Then after around 4 weeks, I saw what looks to be a symptom of spider mites on a couple of the leaves. I didn't think that I would actually have this problem but for curiousity, I took the leaf, laid it on the table, and inspected it with my microscope. Lord and behold, I nearly passed out. That was the first time I've ever seen a spidermite. I was like OMG, and pretty much started panicking. I snuck out of work and went straight to the hydro store the next day and they sold me a little tinsywissy little bottle of pesticide. I was suppose to drop 18 drops of the stuff with a litre of water and spray the girls 3 times 3 days apart. That's after I pretty much dumped my whole 20lbs if co2 in the room which didn't work so good. I then realizes that my cap-3 wasn't calibrated properly and/or I also wasn't sure if it was maintaining 10,000ppm of co2. I read on the manual that the cap-3 is only good up to 5,000ppm. But anyhow, that was that. The good news is it looks like the little $40 magic in the bottle is doing the trick because I don't see those little bastards anymore (crossing my fingers). I'm planning on doing my 3rd spray tomorrow and hopefully its over and done with. I just wish I knew what exactly I was spraying just for curiousity.

Right now im on day 44 of flowering and I hope the girls make it through somewhat decently. I guess I only have between 20-30 days left. I hope they make it without anymore problems.