My seed sprouted but I need some help!


So after getting some good advice and making a humidity dome for my germinated seeds one has sprouted today (yay) I'm going to keep him in there a little bit longer because the humidity is still low for him (38%). But something strange has happened, even though he has sprouted the seed is still stuck on his head where the 2 little top leaves should be, what should i do? Take tweezers and take it off or see if it comes off by itself? I dont want it to die since its my first grow and the only one that has sprouted so please help! Heres a pic,


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:
Leave it go and it will fall off. That pic is horrible and I dont even know what I am looking at. Is there more than one seedling in that same pot?


Well-Known Member
Congratulations! Hopefully "he" is a she.

Just give it a couple of days. As the the plant grows it will most likely shed the seed hull on its own. If not, gently remove it with tweezers after a few days.

Good luck. Go Green...Grow Green.


Active Member
Sometimes they get stuck. Leave it alone for another two days . if it doesnt fall off on its own. Ever so gently try and remove it. But be prepared, they are very easily damaged at this age. I have pulled off the seed on some and they were fine. On others they died shortly after. good luck grow pal. And welcome to RIU


lol boneman yea it's my iPhone camera and thanks for the welcome. Yes there's 2 in the cup. To the right is the plant. I didn't even think the one that's growing would grow so I threw it in there expecting the one I planted in the middle to grow. My hypothesis is that the one in the middle was baked by my high powered cfl but the one to the side was away from the hot light so it was moist enough in the soil to sprout. If that makes any sense. I'll leave it alone like you guys said and thanks again.