my seeds germinated too much?


Active Member
Hey guys i opriginally found 1 seed in my last big bag of grapefruite kush/ I only got one so i tried to germinate it and waited about 7 days and now i finnally checked on it and the tail is like 3 1/2 inches long and the shell fell off..can i still bury this and get it going or is it totally ruined. please tell me i haave hope this is my only try. i used a paper towel and a ziploc ag to germinate it. heres a pic

step 1

my second step

heres my 3rd step

(notice the speakers so the plant has tunes =])

*keep your fingers crossed please people!! =]! *


Well-Known Member
try and see........ but u should check 24 hrs after trying and plant in soil when it cracks straight away..


Well-Known Member
Yeah waiting a week is no good. It might still work, but I doubt it. Next time check after 24 hours like caliboy said. If it hasn't cracked by then, I'd recommend checking every 12 hours after that.


Well-Known Member
You could but why? put that thing in some dirt just don't break the tap root water it and it will grow..........and if not live and learn:)


Active Member
You should move it into some soil and don't damage it when your moving it. it'll grow just give it a lot of light when the green starts to show


Active Member
okay from my last post here you go. I had waited a little to long on planting it because i forgot about my poor seed. here is how i got it looking now tell me when you think. Now with the step i am at i burried it 1/2 inch deep, should i water it or what. should i give it sunlight/ help haha thanks guys.

grapefruite kush manee

my first step (i messed up) **hopefully it workls**

my second step.


Well-Known Member
that will probably die.

yes water it, and give it at least 18 hours of light a day.

hehe, i bet if it survives it will probably be a male, doh!


Active Member
that will probably die.

yes water it, and give it at least 18 hours of light a day.

hehe, i bet if it survives it will probably be a male, doh!

how can i make it livce. what would be better to do..i got a 26W light. will that work for one plant? and if yes, how long do i give it light and how close to the plant.


Well-Known Member
read the grow faq at the top of the page, its got all ur info there.

tbh m8 i dont know if it will survive or not. u should of potted it few days ago.


Well-Known Member
del is right man bury more of it leave about 1/2 inch above ground since it is so limp the plant will end up rooting out if it does live. I would just use some fluro 18/6 light cycle Water it but not to much NO NUTES at all. You should be ok but keep fingers crossed