My setup


Well-Known Member
hey guys i just want to know if my setup would work
(This photo is old i have rewired it and moved the light up and put some proper reflective stuff on the panles)
i also want to add i can raise the top lid to make room for growth

soil:i am using normal soil bought from a gardening show which i have sived to remove any unwanted things like roots and stuff
lighting i am going to be doing 18-4 for veg then on budding 12-12 (950 lumens light)
fert:organic 15:10:5 i am only going to be using this whise it is veg then moving on to a more phosphorus based fert
i the seeds have already been germinated i let them germ till the seeds was about 1 inch long then planted them about quarter each deep (today)
i have also made a very week mix of water/fert and put a few ml onto the soil but not directly onto the seed i am just woundering when will i be able to see them poping out fo the soil

(sorry about spelling)

Any tips or advice would not go a miss :D


Well-Known Member
what would u suggest because i can not use nothing which will pump massive amounts of heat out because were i live the police are contantly got a helicopter out on the look abouts


hi mrganja12 am thinking of doin the same thing can i ask how u have ur power set up to run ur light an pc fans


Well-Known Member
i have modifed the psu on:D its easy if u have a soildering iron take the psu to bits and snip the green and a black wire and soilder it together :D


Active Member
u need to grab some more cfls if thats a pc case i would say stuff atleast 6 23 watters in there also hang the bulb the other way more light comes from side


Well-Known Member
12v since the fans are 12 and this means the psu does not req 240v :D and about the light go to a diy shop and just buy a fiting:D