My soil and nutes.

Okay. So im a first time grower and my idea was to buy fox farm ocean forest and also all the nutes that they provide. It is very pricey i know but i want optimal growth. Heres the feeding schedule: now to me that looks kind of heavy on nutes. Youre feeding them as seedlings in an already nute based soil? I have no idea maybe its a good thing! but i am also going to buy perlite and mix it in with fox farm ocean forest because i heard it needs it! and other things i should put in? But also looking back on this schedule, it says to use open sesame a week prior to flowering and then the first week of flowering im already using tiger bloom? I feel like this is kind of an over dosage. What do you guys think? Oh and also i heard the ph levels are always wack with these nutes in distilled water. So first off i need to buy a pretty cheap but very good ph tester and also i was thinking about getting but i feel like that would take awway the nutes i put in and it would just be water. Would the nutes stay if i put a ph adjuster in there? OH and one more thing. On the fox farms feeding schedule it says to feed two times per week. Is that optimal? If i started lets say monday and by starting i mean putting the seeds with stems on them into soil and putting them under light then when should i give nutes? what days of the week is optimal? I know its a lot but i need to know these things for the best buds possible :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:

Thanks in advance,
Oh and also i was wondering if im going to give my plants distilled water when not feeding nutes should i have to use the ph raiser or lower for it or can i just give my plants distilled water
OH! also when im measuring all these nutes out should i put my measurement tools in the wash every time or sterilize it or what?

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Tiger Bloom and Grow Big are the only nutes you need in container grows. I have never had to use more than 2 tsp of either. Your Ocean Forrest will feed them for 3-4 weeks before needing to introduce any nutes. And some earth worm castings tea in place of the Big Bloom once or twice a month. The solubles are more for outdoor grows. And distilled water is not good for plants. Tap water or R/O is what you want too use.
How is distilled water not good for plants? And youre saying if i use all of these it wont be a killer plant? And youre also saying i shouldnt use the feeding schedule?


Active Member
I'm using Fox Farms, and he's right. You won't need to add any nutes for 3-4 weeks, then I'd suggest feeding them 1/4 strength and work your way up to 1/2 strength. Forget that feeding schedule and listen to these guys.


Well-Known Member
I would start your seeds in Fox Farm Light Warrior, so you don't risk burning them. Once they are a good 3-4 weeks old, you can switch them to Ocean Forest. It might also be worth it to research organics and synthetics a little more. See which method is growing is right for you.

If your doing a small operation indoors, synthetics might be a good choice. However, if your putting them in the ground, any liquid or synthetic nutrient is going to be costing you an arm and a leg. It would be a lot smarter on your wallet and back to go with an organic fertilizer that releases slowly over time.