My story of growing Ata Tundra plant :)

Dark union

Hello my dear fellow grower brothers :-P

I want to say thank you for such great website ! I spend over a week reading forum and realized that I can do that too :-o
For that purpose I used my closet which is only:
1.96x2.4x5.2 feet
Grow Ata Tundra strain and this is my first grow ever :dunce:
Bought two vegetation CFL 125w each and two flowering lamps CFL 125w each (2700 and 6400 respectively) appears that they do great job :leaf:
Can use two of them at the same time.
One week passed since I seeds germinated to stage you can see now.


Dark union

Seeds germinated in two days,as you guys advised I used thick paper towel fully moist and left in in glass of water under it, so water vapor can keep towel moist without over drying it.
For first little pots I found that Selecta cups from vending machines works perfectly. Plant seeds in transparent ones and transparent fits fully in brown ones which I covered with duck tape and diamond Mylar sheets. One very important thing is to wash all pots and cups with bleach in order to keep everything clean.

Used hot nail to make holes for drainage.I watered compost first before planting them and used "West plus advanced" compost for all plants. Marvelous thing ! full of nuts, perfect drainage and very airy for roots.
For water I decided to use "Aqua Pura" from Morrison's which gives 6.4 Ph at source and seems to be perfect for weed, cost is 0.98 pence for 5 liters.


Dark union

In the next couple of days I will share my installation process and results in homemade yeast Co2 system and fan :weed:

Dark union

Hello and thank you for reading and hopefully for your advise.
A question: Should I use 2x 6400k or 1x6400k and 1x2700k for my vegetative grow ? And after I'll go into flowering use 2x 2700k.
I read somewhere that it's good to combine warm and cool light when they just going through vegetative part.

thank you :clap:

Dark union

Well We'll see how it goes. Used 2.3 litres milk pint bottle, two full cups of sugar and 2.5 table spoons of dried yeast. Smells like beer brewery :-P
Boiled water and cooled it down to lukewarm temperature. Don't see immediate reaction but read that it might take up to two days to fully activate :o
If would need more might get 4.6 pint milk bottle.
Also it is easy to control position of plastic tube, will attach it to some kind of candle holder and keep it above plants in the middle.

Friends all comments welcome !


Dark union

Few hours later I found my bottle covered with froth :o
Looks like I have used a bit too much of yeast or sugar. Cleaned it and now it looks fine.
Hope there are enough co2 :-P
Again my closed smells like brewery :weed:


Well-Known Member
lol,.,.,that smell is uhuhuhghg,nasty,lol.,.,smells like a bad be3r fart.,.,.,lo0ks go0d cant wait 2 c how they come out.,.
man, looks like your doing a great job to me. I really like the homemade co2 idea i might just swipe this idea off ya. i will be taggin along for the ride with you.

Dark union

CO2 is very well produced but will need another thinner bottle between plants.
Still waiting for great small fan which uses mains to distribute air and CO2 around.
Problem with pipe, pressure from co2 is not strong enought to push it throught therefore fan is cruicial.
Also great deal of co2 is coming from mine very regular visits to my tundra girls.
They are much much much bigger now :D will post pictures in a day or so.

Thank you for Reading my story.

Dark union

Hello dear friends,

It is been a long time since I posted pictures.
Fan is coming and I'm trying to contact my eBay seller :finger:. There you can see two pictures of 10 and 15 days into grow. :leaf:
But recently I have experienced some problems and not sure is it under watering or over watering :sad:. You can find link to it below.
They started to smell now like pot :weed:ha ha soon I believe I would need to burn fragrance oil to mask smell.
Do visit my girl very often and breath on them as much I can, he he breath of life. :o


Link to problems:


Dark union

Bought good Ph meter from local store and it showed me 6Ph damn. :-x
Couldn't find any dolomite around, where do I buy it from ? My local gardening center offered solution with nutes in it but I don't want to over nute my girls. :(
Sprinkle with baking soda and watered it as temporary solution before I'll find substitute to it as baking soda causes salts buid up.
Ph level after an hour went to ~6.5Ph so hopefully it will take them out of shock for a while. :o
Keep your fingers crossed for me brothers. :roll:


Dark union

Taking your advise my friends went to aquarium shop and got tester and adjustment kit for water. ;-)
With it I should be able to adjust Ph level between 6-7.6 Ph :idea:
Could you tell me how dangerous are repercussions of Ph shock to the plant ? How quick will they recover ? :shock:

Thank you again. :peace:


Will update this thread until problem is resolved. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Seem to be coming along.,.,i never ph'd:idea:.,.,SOUNDS CRAZY HUH.,.,BUT IVE NEVER HAD PROBLEMS .,.IT WAS ONLY UNTIL RECENTLY THAT I FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS PH BIZNESS ,.,.,.I CANT HLP U THERE.,.,COME ON PEOPLE HELP OUT A FELLOW GROWER.,.,U ARE NE3DED.,.,:arrow::?::idea::-o:weed::finger::-P:clap::clap::leaf::finger:

Dark union

Hello Brothers,

Finally transferred them into big pots where they should rest until smoke time.
Pots are huge comparing to old ones and should provide sufficient space for Ata Tundra strain. :leaf:
My wilted plant still nearly dying but will wait until next morning to see results.
Apparently excesive minerals in mineral water I was using might have caused blockage of nutes in the system, so from now on just tap water. :-(
Left big bottle opened to chlorine to evaporate and will test and change Ph of water. What is perfect Ph for marijuana ? :weed:

Dark union

Hello my dear friends, :-P

It was a while since I posted pictures and info about my little secret closet garden.
After I had problem with nute burn I lost one of my girls. Seems like damage was to big for her to recover. :-(
Rest four plants recovered their health and just one of them smaller because it was damaged a lot but survived. :-o
I abandoned idea of mineral water and used Ph test and adjustment kit to adjust water to 6.4 Ph :!:

I have serious question guys: :?:

How big normally are Ata tundra plants and when should I initiate flowering stage ?
Personally I think I should wait until my plants will get at least twice as big. :weed:




Well-Known Member
Sorry to her about the death of one of your girls:-( but the others look great!:-o what ratio did you use to mix the yeast and sugar for the co2?

Dark union

Hello my friend,

I used 2 little milk bottle with one cup of sugar and one tablespoon of dry yeast.
Reaction might take several hours to take place. :?
Use lukewarm water it will wake yeast up quicker.Just experiment but don't put too much sugar first because you might end up with too much froth coming out and flooding everything. :o
