My take on defoliation based on growing same plant twice

Hi all!

First off, I am a very very new grower. I've harvested one grow of strawberry cough, and am currently into week 4.5 of flower of two more strawberry cough plants that are clones of the originals.

On the original grow, I defoliated a lot. I removed tons of water leaves as they came, and gave the plants a lollipop structure. Their growth was pretty normal compared to grow journals I saw online.

This current grow, I just wanted to see for myself what the results would be if I did almost no defoliation. Well, comparing bud growth, my no-defoliating plants at week 5 have buds about the same size as my first plants that I defoliated did at week 3.

From now moving forward, I will defoliate the amount I did originally. Even when I hear something online from the best well-known growers, I like to give it a try just to make sure!

So consider this post as simply a vote for defoliating on your grows. I know there are two camps of thinking on this, and I don't consider my opinion as fact. I feel like I kept the other variables the same.

Happy buds


Well-Known Member
Good work not triggering anyone. I can’t remember if there is a conclusion on the topic. But for the best experiment, you can’t compare ‘from seed’plants with ‘clones’. There is something about the clones being alive longer and being more mature, that to compare this would have loopholes. If you really want to do it right you could take some clones of these same plants and then Not defoliate those plants. Then they would be the same clones as this defoliate group. Anyways I vote for defoliation only because I trim leaves that I don’t like.
Good work not triggering anyone. I can’t remember if there is a conclusion on the topic. But for the best experiment, you can’t compare ‘from seed’plants with ‘clones’. There is something about the clones being alive longer and being more mature, that to compare this would have loopholes. If you really want to do it right you could take some clones of these same plants and then Not defoliate those plants. Then they would be the same clones as this defoliate group. Anyways I vote for defoliation only because I trim leaves that I don’t like.
Ah, good to know!


Well-Known Member
Personally I think the results may vary and it should be done when it's called for rather than as a set-in-stone method. Just my 2 cents. I do both to the same strains in the same tent. Some I I'll leave the yellow leaves until they're crispy and fall when touched. Some I'll defoliate and tie her canopy more open. It depends on so many factors. Supercropping or pinching, tie downs, normal cone/xmas tree style.

I could never argue that defoliation is a sure-fire way to increase yields.

Blue back

Well-Known Member
Hi all!

First off, I am a very very new grower. I've harvested one grow of strawberry cough, and am currently into week 4.5 of flower of two more strawberry cough plants that are clones of the originals.

On the original grow, I defoliated a lot. I removed tons of water leaves as they came, and gave the plants a lollipop structure. Their growth was pretty normal compared to grow journals I saw online.

This current grow, I just wanted to see for myself what the results would be if I did almost no defoliation. Well, comparing bud growth, my no-defoliating plants at week 5 have buds about the same size as my first plants that I defoliated did at week 3.

From now moving forward, I will defoliate the amount I did originally. Even when I hear something online from the best well-known growers, I like to give it a try just to make sure!

So consider this post as simply a vote for defoliating on your grows. I know there are two camps of thinking on this, and I don't consider my opinion as fact. I feel like I kept the other variables the same.

Happy buds
Have you ever seen a big grow op do heavy defoliation? No because they don't. Should tell I something right there. With adequate lighting defoliation is very unnecessary and stress full.


Active Member
Defoliating is also going to help with maintaining your environment. Less moisture being put in the air and plants need less water/nutrients.
So the plant you do no defoliation to will use up more nutrients and environment maintenance/electricity to harvest.
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