my trims gone moldy :(


Well-Known Member
hey guys.

its all in the title really.i was an idiot and got my trim moldy. not all of it, but quite abit.
its not moldy every where, just in places. they are still really wet too. ive put them in a better drying enviroment now.

will it still be okay to use the moldy trim for hash? because all you do is extract the thc?

will it be okay, because i was well looking foreward to the hash making! let me know.

thanks everyone, peace:bigjoint:
yes and no if you want to use it I recomend a set of bubbles bags the mold spores dont make it past the 3rd or 4th bag I myself ran into this and bought some bags best investment not just for moldy weed but I get all my peps to bring me there trim they dont want wooo hoooo free hash
cool man. i might have to invest in one then. the only reason i wasnt going to get one was because yhey are quite expensive just for a few bags. but if thats the only way i suppose il have too.
cant i just make it the normal way, like wont the mold spores float anyway? and the hash fall to the bottom?
i have no idea. but if the bubble bags are the only way.

cheers man, peace
^Pick up a set off Ebay. You can get an good off-brand set for around $50, shipped. Mine work perfectly. :cool:
^Pick up a set off Ebay. You can get an good off-brand set for around $50, shipped. Mine work perfectly. :cool:

wikid, cheers man. i just had a look and they have a massive selection of bubble bags.
all the cheaper ones are from the US and im in the UK. should be okay though, just longer shipping time. dont matter to much. they are only like £35, and when you look in shops online they are like £60+.
thanks again man +rep for the insight and or you too ontario :D
