My very first GRO op!


Hey guys I'm getting ready for harvest and I just discovered today that my indica strain which I thought was critical OG actually turned purple over the last couple days. Check these pics out and tell me what ya think :weed: and also can anyone tell if these trics look ready. I had a buddy take some close ups! TIA



Well-Known Member
You def have some time left, hard to say exactly, ty for additional pics! I'm sure someone else will chime in with a guess. Just don't get impatient and chop them right away, tons of people chop too early, but very few chop too late. Looking nice and frosty.


Think i see some clear ones in there, hard to tell, use a loupe half way down bud.
That's the best I got man, it took me weeks to get pics that good and that's the closest I can get. What do you think about the purple. Is that just what alot of plants do at the end or is that a grand daddy purp strain??


And on some of those really good close ups it looks like the trics are super glossy, I can't tell if that's clear or cloudy tho