my very first grow. are they the right size


Active Member
I'm not sure Cathy, but from the looks of it roughly ~34 days of vegetative growing and the plants seem to have stretched a lot. Asides from that you could have started cloning a long time ago!


New Member
I don't know cathy....ur plants over a foot tall....mines under a foot tall...also a month n a few days old...View attachment 2412099...20121115_085022.jpg...if u wanna do this thing right ushould prolly learn about topping fimming and ur plants is the only way to go when growing indoors...


Active Member
It should start to show its sex soon but can do any time. Maybe wait until you have enough branches for your need.


Active Member
I'd take a close from the bottom side and super crop the shit out of all the other branches. Lower light, I'm assuming its to high due to stretch, let veg another couple weeks super cropping as needed. Wait to you see some alternading nodes and a few pistols shooting out before you put her into flower


Well-Known Member
size is a genetic trait, some people just have smaller ones. they look very healthy. you can take. cutting anytime and put it in a glass of water and into 12/12, then in 10-14 days(while plant is still vegging and growing) you will know.


Active Member
size is a genetic trait, some people just have smaller ones. they look very healthy. you can take. cutting anytime and put it in a glass of water and into 12/12, then in 10-14 days(while plant is still vegging and growing) you will know.
Your right they do look very healthy, but if they have like two CFLs a foot about the top the plant WILL stretch no matter of genetics.


Well-Known Member
here is mine at 1 month grown with cfl so yours is kinda small id rule yours out to not enough light or not close enough



New Member
Hahaha....yeah man we steal pics n post em as ours cause we wanna seem cool to strangers w aliases from around the makes me feel good about myself...


Active Member
Sorry man, for whatever reason I cant see ur thumbnail, I just seen the post below that and was like wtf I just seen that picture


New Member
im feeling pretty good myself now time to hit google to find some more
....ur telling me....check out this one I just 18 frost building up wonderfully...scoped out my trichomes n they're everywhere...nice n tall w a big ass ball at the top....not trying to Jack dudes thread ill post some pics here in a few...