My Very First Grow... The Doctor

Hey all, so after countless hours of scrolling through RIU i have decided to start my own little grow. a couple weeds ago i got a hold of some 'The Doctor' seeds and decided to start this rodeo. I soaked the seeds for a day, then put them in a paper towel until the taproot was like 1/4inch long. i then planted them directly in soil. on Aug 26th they broke through the soil and they are now about 1 week old. i am completely new to this so any and all advice is greatly appreciated. :)

2x the doctor plants
roughly 2.5'x3'x5.5' room covered with e-blankets.
150w LED light
soil: 30L of organic soil, 8L of perlite, 8L vermiculite (odd mix, but it seems to be doing okay)
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(should be introducing a fan today or tomorrow)

lights are on 24hours a day, humidity is at 35%, and the current temp is 92.5 F (too high, me thinks)

some questions:
one leaf on one plant broke off, will it be okay?
is it okay to use an led light this early? (they were formerly under a 23w cfl)


Well-Known Member
If you haven't already, you should look into an intake/exhaust set up. I use 4 pc fans for my file cabinet, 2 intake and 2 exhaust. That keeps me around 77 - 85. Oh, and a fan to move air will also keep your temps down.


Active Member
It's not necessary to keep your lights on 24/7. You have to give the plant some rest. Also, you're right about the temps being too high. You want to keep the temp as low as 65 with lights off and as high as 78 with lights on.
thanks for the replies guys! and im guessing by switching to 18/6 i will also lower the heat in the room. also adding fan today or tomorrow so that should help too.
coming up on two weeks now, both plants have light green lower leaves. is this okay?
i just transplanted them into bigger containers and am wondering when would be the right time to start feeding these plants nutes.

any and all advice is welcome. thanks in advance.


Nice setup, definitely need some air movement in there.
In flower try keep it below 80. In most places outdoors temps reach over 90 during the summer time, should try keep it 85 or lower for veg but make sure you have a fan or 2 blowing that air around good.
And make sure you have air intake - outtake so the room has fresh air continuously flowing in, air/heat being taken out.

You did not have to transplant them yet, that could have stressed them a little bit.
Don't over water, get those temps right and let them do their thing.
thanks for the advice man.
Day 21:


i think i am going to start adding nutes next watering, then continuing to feed every other watering. also thinking about topping or FIMing.
any suggestions or tips are always welcome.