my very FIRST plant. How does it look so far??

]got a clone of vanilla kush... put it in some Fox Farm Happy Frog Soil... i water it about 2 times a day..never done this before, first plant. kind of an experiment so i can learn... any suggestions and how does it look so far? Any input helps! Thanks!



Well-Known Member
im a first time grower to and watering it 2 times a day is to much you should water it 2 times a week the plant looks good tho start on the nutes


Well-Known Member
im a first time grower to and watering it 2 times a day is to much you should water it 2 times a week the plant looks good tho start on the nutes
^ This. i was going to say, it looks over watered thats how it looks...... water it ONLY when the soil gets DRY. like dry dry. stick your singers 2 inches into the soil and when its dry 2 inches down it needs water. untill them its good.

to much water will kill your plant.
yaa ill cut back on the watering... cuz ur not the first person to say that. my bf seems to think otherwise but im convinced im over waterring it.. any suggestions for nutes??
Looks like you are pouring a little water around the center of the pot twice a day. Instead, try deep watering (until water drips from bottom of container) once a day. Get all the soil saturated so the roots can grow and backup moisture is stored.
just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
the direction are the back of the bottle but yeah just mix in water i water only once a week and that every monday so its water and then nutes every other week and thats for now your from cali and you know how the weather gets so in july or august ill kick up to 2 time a week


Well-Known Member
^ thats a better plan, but dont do it once per day only do it when it gets dry. check on your plant every day and dont worry if it gets a little TO dry, to dry is better than to wet with marijuana. the roots rot very fast.

As for fertalizers if you want a cheaper alternative i use alaska fish fertalizer 5-1-1 duering veg and Alaska Morbloom 0-10-10 for flowering, and i use a Kelp extract every watering. i use lower base fertalizers because i use rich soul (like your happy frog) i get great results. i Flush the soil once every 3 feedings so ensute theres no salt build up. i use this schedule to feed my plants water/water/feed Repeat. the mixture for veg is Stinky! but it does work.

i attached a pic of my bud so you can see that it works nicely.
I'm understanding most of everything you guys are recommending.. and its SUUUPER appreciated. Just maybe a few more ?s.. about how long will my plant be in the veg stage? and since i got this clone from a dispensary im not even sure how old it is =(


Well-Known Member
it will veg untill the light tuns over to 12/12. its a clone so you dont have to worry about sexing it...... it should harvest anywhere from augest 20'th to nov 20'th depending on strain (whether its indica, sativa or a hybrid).... right now its hard to tell because of the phenotype expression of the plant.