My well waters test results came in, What does this mean for me and my plants?


Well-Known Member
I am growing in roots organics 707 soil and use well water to water my plants..ran into some issues and was instructed to find out what the contents of the water are and here they are...results are as following

Free Availible Chlorine: 0 ppm
Water Ph: 7.2
Total Alkalinity: 350ppm
Calcium hardness: 340ppm
Total disolved solids:800ppm

So what does this mean for my soil indoor grow?


Active Member
what issues did you have, i have well water too and i use a reverse osmosis for my saltwater set up but tap water for my girls because i figured they would like the calcium and nitrates and theres no chlorine.


Well-Known Member
Growing 3 plants, 2 are fine, but the one just has random ass necrosis on random ass leaves randomally on the plants.