MycoGrow / SubcultureB/M.... and measuring pH??!!



I am only learning right now but someday in the far future might attempt a DWC hydro grow.
I've done much reading on the topic and see that lots of folks use the M and B subs to help outcompete the bad micro baddies in the DWC.

I've found lots of people who suggest MycoGrow instead of the subculture or zho products because of how much cheaper it is....but I'd like to know: everyone says the Myco stuff turns the water dark brown/black with only a small amount.....

I use a GeneralHydro pH test kit to pH my water. But this is a color reagent test; if the water is so easily clouded and dark from myco, how the heck do you know the pH??!! is there a reliable non-color-reagent pH tester out there? I have a moisture meter with pH meter, but in my testing it almost always says water is neutral even when the GH test kit will read 6.0.

Do the other subculture products also cloud the water so heavily???I am also interested if I NEED to brew the Myco as a Tea and let it sit, or can I mix it up right when mixing my resevoir nutes?
