Mycorrhizae + H202


Well-Known Member
My question guys is it okay to mix both h202 and mycorrhizae(beneficial Fungi) weekly in my rez (weekly rez clean and nute add) or does the h202 kill the mycorrhizae and just be a waste of money??? thanks peeps
Mycorrhizae will be killed by any strong concentration of H2O2. If you are trying to keep pathogens like Pythium away Use Mycorrhizae early, to out compete the pathogens. We use Hygrozyme to periodically clean up the roots in our fresh water feeds. Indoors we use SM90 2-3ml per gallon in every nutrient solution mix SM90 is safe with beneficials and keeps pathogens down. If you need any samples of Mycorrhizae and Beneficials just use the coupon code FREE at checkout at the link below. H2O2 is safe for some organics like kelps and such, but it is a no no with living Beneficials.


Well-Known Member
Hey supreme thanks for the info ive been using mycorrhizae since week two and it has done a world of wnders to my plant growth yeah i wont add no h202 have no reason to .