Mystery Problem please help...MUST READ

Hi everyone I am an indoor grower and just moved my grow box from my garage to my basement. Unfortunately the last couple of grows have not gone too well and I am seeking advise. I use roots organic potting soil with about 3 tbls of dolomite lime to keep the ph balanced. The water I use has a ph of about 6.8. Two recent plants that I sprouted grew fine for about a week then they shriveled up and died. Both of the plants stems i noticed were very thin and brown. The last plant that I grew was a white widow strain for GHSC it was about 20 days old and very small for its age. I knew something was up but it could not be a ph issue because everything I was giving the plant was balanced. I had about 4 60w cfls on the plant. I took a look at it today and it completely shriveled up and died. I watered the plant about once every day or two. I thought that I had a fungus problem because it was in my basement and from the symptoms of the plant and with a good ph in the soil I figured that it may be damping off or something. I Therefore seized watering it for about 3 days then it just died. Throughout the plants life it had a very weak, thin stem and very slow leaf growth. Like I said I know its not a ph issue but what else could it be? There is great ventilation in the grow area with several fans and a dehumidifier so the air doesn't get too moist. If anyone has any idea with what could be going wrong with my grows, help would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Humm.. Lets start with the lighting, tell me everything... Is it 60w equivalent? Whats the spectrum?

(i use roots as well and never have problems... I dont add lime... My tap water is about 7.0 i get it own to 6.5 when i wter by filtering it...)
I had 4 60w, 100w equivalent cfl light bulbs with a spectrum of 6500k. Roots organic soil with lime so the ph is balanced. The plant was in my basement with lots of fans and a dehumidifier. Im not sure what caused my last two plants to fail I just woke up a shriveled up dead plant and I'm not too sure whats going wrong, maybe damping off???