Myths & Legends about Sex Identification.


Active Member
Ya, ya, I know! If it has tits it's a girl and if it has balls it's a boy! Some of the people I've met in my life I wouldn't be to sure about that!

Anyway there isn't a conversation goes by talking about how to tell if a pot plant is male or female in the early stages that somebody doesn't give me their spin on identifying a plant. I've heard if the leaves point up, it's a male, if the leave point down it's a female. If your seed get to much moisture they will become males. If you don't have the right temperature while vegging them they will become males. (With the lack of women in Colorado, all the above must be happening all the time.)

So is there any truth in the above mentioned items?
What's you take on it....O Guru of the Green? :blsmoke:


Active Member

you put a plant in flowering mode for a bit, and its balls or vag hair will show?

ezmode imho


Well-Known Member
ive heard also SOOOOOOOO many myths about how to tell male from female even as early as a me tell you the only way to tell is two ways....clones......or grow it out....thats it..time will tell that is it...smoke on...peace
no everything u stated high/low temps,high/low humidity ect are all factors that promote male and femail growth,i think it goes lie this low temp encourages


Well-Known Member
i do believe that before a plant shows sex you can stress it into a male..which is dumb i wanna stress some plants female..
female growth and high temp male..high humidity encorages male and low encourages female..18 + hours of light encourages male growth and 16 encourages female growth..i mite have a couple mixed up but thats how it goes