n00b Dilemmas.

'ello friends. First post, first grow, still in the designing stages here. I've traversed a few sites and I definitely dig this one best. Onwards!

I'm doing a cab-grow, 2x2.5x4', carb-filtered, passive intake with at least 60 CFM of exhaust going. It's getting colder than a witch's tit here in Seattle, I can always open a window so I'm not overly concerned about overheat. I've been reading a decent amount for the past two weeks. Thought I had everything down until a couple of days ago....

I wanted to use a 250 or 400W HPS that I'd vent, along with 6500/2600K CFLs at varying grow stages depending how things were working out. However, I'm on a tight budget, and I just realized I'd need a ballast along with the HPS bulb (DuH). So, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get the HPS kit for my first grow.

I've gone through a few CFL-grow threads in addition to the rest - it seems the consensus is overwhelmingly that HPS kicks major ass for all stages, especially flowering. Again - Duh. :) If I'm able to get seeds for free tomorrow, I'm going to get an HPS kit.

Trying to keep my first grow op under $150. So far it's been fun as hell just designing and contemplating options. I work at Home De Pot (chuckle), and its transformed into a fucking candy store to me. Brilliant.

Peace all, sorry for extensive verbiage. ;-)