nah, we dont need to drill for oil


Well-Known Member
Although I can't see the relation between windmills and Texas getting boned by this shit storm (Is Texas a major "green energy" enthusiast? Would've guessed Cali.), I agree to an extent.

The general stance for energy policy is something that has confused me for a while. One side is shouting for long term solutions before they are technologically feasible, and the other is shouting for short term solutions with no apparent plan for the long term and with possible environmental consequences. We obviously need both. Start phasing out the oil and coal, start building nukes and investing strongly in green energies.


Well-Known Member
Oh that is just classic Americanism.......We are going to build a wall to keep your people out but hey we need some of your your electricity LOL.....Does anybody else see the absurdity in this?

Not sure where Homophobia fits into Electric Cars? but hey don't let that stop you from shouting it to the rooftops LOL

What natural resources are you referring too?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

this is a sad state of affairs. how are those windmills working out for ya? how are your little faggy electric cars charging back up in a blackout?

we need an energy revolution in this country. drill, build nukes, dig coal, the works. its time we tell feds to go fuck themselves and lets start using our natural resources again.

Well naturally I agree with you Jeff on the point of telling the Feds to go fuck themselves.

You won't see an energy revolution because of the restrictions in place. Free markets will equal innovation, restricted markets will not. I'm a fan of high MPG vehicles, but "safety" restrictions prevent those from being used in the USA. I dare say we'd have a plethora of 100 MPG + vehicles capable of carrying two adults and a lite cargo load if the restrictions were lifted.

Sooner or later oil alternatives will be a great necessity regardless of any laws or reduction in American consumption patterns, because the cost of oil recovery combined with increased world demand of a finite resource will make it so.

Nothing wrong with electric cars r windmills from my point of view. I also support your right to run a big ass car or truck if that's your thing though.

Mankinds best "natural resource" is his innovation and ability to problem solve, get government out of the way, and the problem will be solved. Unless you support the government in league with private corporations, Fascism, stealing other people's resources. That kind of problem solving
has created many unintended consequences.


Well-Known Member
whatever happened to that guy that used human fat to power his boat around the world?
Pete Bethune?



Well-Known Member
Japanese Whaler's ripped the nose of his boat off after ramming him, they tried to tow it but it filled and sank.

Pete got onboard the ship in a wild assed move. They kept him on board and took him to Japan. Stood trial.

Can't recall the outcome but Sea Shepherd Org really screwed him over.

And Pete was released and returned home.


Well-Known Member
once again jeff never ceases to amaze.

an unexpected surge in demand b/c of temperatures that are around 20 degrees below average puts strain on an outdated power grid, and somehow it's the electric car's and wind energy's fault.....:dunce::dunce:...

i'll go out on a limb here but i think you forgot the fact that the US uses plenty of it's natural resources. we're in the top three for oil and coal production according to ANY reliable source....

jeff f

New Member
yes i am the idiot. we have energy shortages across 2/3 of the nation because goofballs like you and al gore are pretending that we are causing the weather and the earth has a fever.

NOT addressing our energy needs is like shooting all the horses before the car is even invented.

living in a cave, coming to a city near you!


NM declares state of emergency over natural gas shortage...

TX residents asked to limit use...

Outage in AZ...

San Diego shortage...

Usage at record high in UT...

CA utility told to cut pipeline pressures...

SHELL oil postpones drilling in Arctic; Dem Sen. blames White House...

Mexico cancels offer to send electricity...

Obama's Blocking Of New Plants Triggers Nationwide Blackouts?

all these headlines are just me being dumb!


Well-Known Member
Damn yall at least when the government gives the Mexican government millions of our tax dollars they can say it was for electricity.LOL


Well-Known Member
Electric cars are awesome, you know how you power them in a black out? Gasoline Einstein. They have a gallon or so capacity that runs the cars generator and can supply the car a minimum of a 50 mile trip, in which you can either get gas or get to a place to charge it. Way to research before saying anything. Windmills are used around the world effectively as well as solar. They aren't alternatives, they are supplements. My friend owns a windfarm, powers his entire town, and gets so much money from it you wouldn't believe. I am a big proponent of Nuclear power, as long as it is breeder reactors and not straight uranium reactors. Those are really wasteful. France (I suppose you would consider them a homo country as you are so well versed) is powered by 78.8% nuclear energy, and a LOT of breeder reactors at that.

Too bad no one thinks nuclear is safe here. It is impossible to have a meltdown with the grade uranium used in the fission process in the US. The radiation released in 3 mile island was the same amount as living in denver, co for 1 year. There have been exactly ZERO nuclear energy related deaths in the US. How many people die just mining coal? Let along the environmental impact that coal has.

I come from around the Adirondacks/Catskills in NY before moving out here, I saw the mountain lakes turn so acidic that they are dead lakes now, the Ohio river valley's soot and ash falls all along that corridor into VT. Is it terrible. I don't believe in clean coal either, that is a sham. The whole idea is to NOT burn things to make energy. Nuclear. hydro, tidal, solar and wind are the only viable options at this point.

It is mentally lazy to just say, burn our coal, burn our oil, hate solar, hate wind, hate electric vehicles. Thats a bunch of populist nonsense from sources with an agenda much less pure than "America should power itself". America should invent the power of the future, not double down on antiquated power of the past. Soon coal will be scarce, especially when China finishes its run on its coal plants, prices will rise when that happens too, coal is a commodity after all. Its no cheaper cuz its produced in the US. Coal companies would just as soon sell it to the next highest bidder (china) like we are seeing with Oil prices right now.

Next you will rant about how much wind and solar is subsidized, I implore you to check out the taxes breaks given to coal and oil companies that make most states GDP look small, and tell me that solar is over subsidized. It's an emerging market, needing much R & D. Seeing as how China has the chips when it comes to solar R/D and production, something had to kick start the development here.

Using the argument of a "free market" to develop and further support a third world energy grid is a poor stance to take to actually solve societal problems. I suppose this free market has the ability to grapple with any problem. Like the lack of drinking water soon to be seen in the southwest? Or the absence of clean fresh water supply across the US? Companies are chomping at the bit to fix those problems aren't they?

Oh wait they are not. Not even close. They are actually adding to the problem. Where do we turn? Ahh the government. Albeit flawed, and corrupt, it is no more flawed and corrupt than the free market itself. And yes, solutions and initiatives cost money. And an even bigger revelation is the the money comes from tax revenue. So you an I pay for it. Live with it, being a professional internet complainer unfortunately is even worse than subsidizing solar industries so work on solving that problem first before wiping your shit of opinions (which dont weigh more than facts, even though one would think they did in this day and time) on the net. If you are that angry, do some leg work, it will force you to learn and see the problem for what it is and not what you think it is. Write your congressman or woman, write your states energy administrator, write your power company. Heres a good one, use less electricity. You will find that all of these solutions cost money and take time. If your solution was so effective at attacking the problem at hand it would have been done a long time ago, so clearly there is something that you are missing from the picture.


Well-Known Member
We are going to let other countries drill oil and we will buy it from them. we are also going to let other nations controll space and mine the moon for H3 which will be the ultimate producer of power


Well-Known Member
Other nations buy our oil too. Its a commodity. It doesn't matter where it comes from, its not cheaper here, and it is particularly hard to get in this area now as we have gotten all the easy to get shit already. We can either step away from it now, or wait until it is too late to step away from it and it pulls us under.


Well-Known Member
We are going to let other countries drill oil and we will buy it from them. we are also going to let other nations controll space and mine the moon for H3 which will be the ultimate producer of power
buahahahahaha!!!!! yeah dude, we have to totally launch rockets to the moon to mine it.... car companies could make a car that doesn't rely on oil... but oil companies have repukes by the balls, spreading the kind of propaganda only certain people CHOOSe to believe....

we don't need oil... oil companies want you to think we do....

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
We are going to let other countries drill oil and we will buy it from them. we are also going to let other nations controll space and mine the moon for H3 which will be the ultimate producer of power

Nice of "us" to "let" them do that huh? I'm willing to share the sun with anybody that wants to use it. Many of my posts here have been powered by the big ball o' fire in the sky. I didn't ask for a "tax break" or permission to install the photo voltaic system either....I feel so dirty doing this without "permission" ! :blsmoke:

"Other nations" won't control resources in space and the moon, the persons that control the "other nations" or this nation if that's the case, will control the resources.

There will still be flag waving used to get people to "defend" those resources, but they still won't belong to everybody and everybody won't have a say. In the event the nations that exist today morph into new nations or even interplanetary "nations"
the false patriotism games will continue to be played to get people or beings to go to war over resources.

The irony is as space exploration expands....people, "us", might be considered an edible resource by other beings that we encounter. What makes us immune from that?

jeff f

New Member
Electric cars are awesome, you know how you power them in a black out? Gasoline Einstein. They have a gallon or so capacity that runs the cars generator and can supply the car a minimum of a 50 mile trip, in which you can either get gas or get to a place to charge it. Way to research before saying anything. Windmills are used around the world effectively as well as solar. They aren't alternatives, they are supplements. My friend owns a windfarm, powers his entire town, and gets so much money from it you wouldn't believe. I am a big proponent of Nuclear power, as long as it is breeder reactors and not straight uranium reactors. Those are really wasteful. France (I suppose you would consider them a homo country as you are so well versed) is powered by 78.8% nuclear energy, and a LOT of breeder reactors at that.

Too bad no one thinks nuclear is safe here. It is impossible to have a meltdown with the grade uranium used in the fission process in the US. The radiation released in 3 mile island was the same amount as living in denver, co for 1 year. There have been exactly ZERO nuclear energy related deaths in the US. How many people die just mining coal? Let along the environmental impact that coal has.

I come from around the Adirondacks/Catskills in NY before moving out here, I saw the mountain lakes turn so acidic that they are dead lakes now, the Ohio river valley's soot and ash falls all along that corridor into VT. Is it terrible. I don't believe in clean coal either, that is a sham. The whole idea is to NOT burn things to make energy. Nuclear. hydro, tidal, solar and wind are the only viable options at this point.

It is mentally lazy to just say, burn our coal, burn our oil, hate solar, hate wind, hate electric vehicles. Thats a bunch of populist nonsense from sources with an agenda much less pure than "America should power itself". America should invent the power of the future, not double down on antiquated power of the past. Soon coal will be scarce, especially when China finishes its run on its coal plants, prices will rise when that happens too, coal is a commodity after all. Its no cheaper cuz its produced in the US. Coal companies would just as soon sell it to the next highest bidder (china) like we are seeing with Oil prices right now.

Next you will rant about how much wind and solar is subsidized, I implore you to check out the taxes breaks given to coal and oil companies that make most states GDP look small, and tell me that solar is over subsidized. It's an emerging market, needing much R & D. Seeing as how China has the chips when it comes to solar R/D and production, something had to kick start the development here.

Using the argument of a "free market" to develop and further support a third world energy grid is a poor stance to take to actually solve societal problems. I suppose this free market has the ability to grapple with any problem. Like the lack of drinking water soon to be seen in the southwest? Or the absence of clean fresh water supply across the US? Companies are chomping at the bit to fix those problems aren't they?

Oh wait they are not. Not even close. They are actually adding to the problem. Where do we turn? Ahh the government. Albeit flawed, and corrupt, it is no more flawed and corrupt than the free market itself. And yes, solutions and initiatives cost money. And an even bigger revelation is the the money comes from tax revenue. So you an I pay for it. Live with it, being a professional internet complainer unfortunately is even worse than subsidizing solar industries so work on solving that problem first before wiping your shit of opinions (which dont weigh more than facts, even though one would think they did in this day and time) on the net. If you are that angry, do some leg work, it will force you to learn and see the problem for what it is and not what you think it is. Write your congressman or woman, write your states energy administrator, write your power company. Heres a good one, use less electricity. You will find that all of these solutions cost money and take time. If your solution was so effective at attacking the problem at hand it would have been done a long time ago, so clearly there is something that you are missing from the picture.

there is so much bullshit in this its hard to know where to start. you sound like a politician too.

and people in the west are still freezing and having govt sponsored rolling blackouts. what did you fix today?

your prescious govt is causing this. there are plenty of business that would love to make electricity, be it coal, nuclear, rivers, tides ect. but the big eared dumbo chicago thug wont allow them.

does the name salazar mean anything to you? yes, he is the clown that shut off our ability to do anything on govt owned land oceans, deserts, you name it.

and the people are still cold.....


Well-Known Member
there is so much bullshit in this its hard to know where to start. you sound like a politician too.

and people in the west are still freezing and having govt sponsored rolling blackouts. what did you fix today?

your prescious govt is causing this. there are plenty of business that would love to make electricity, be it coal, nuclear, rivers, tides ect. but the big eared dumbo chicago thug wont allow them.

does the name salazar mean anything to you? yes, he is the clown that shut off our ability to do anything on govt owned land oceans, deserts, you name it.

and the people are still cold.....
you are mistaken my friend. you cannot mount a counter-argument, you just say it's bullshit, and expect US to believe it.

just because you say it's bullshit, doesn't make it so, no matter how hard you want it...

there are NOT plenty of businesses that would love to make electricity. where I live, PRIVATE companies supply the electricity. my energy comes from wind farms, AND IT'S CHEAPER THAN COAL. this is because the windfarm develops too much electricity for it's currently small clientele, so it sells extra capacity to the COAL burning industry, giving it the ability to charge less per kilowatt hour...

ain't that a bitch. and the rolling black outs are due to a surge in demand, and blackouts are necessary to avoid 'frying the system'.... it's government sponsored because all that wire was laid out by the government, so they have to take care of it. it is in the people's best interest to have momentary blackouts, than what would happen if an overload causes permanent damage which could take weeks, months to fix... too much trouble for what it's worth, the easiest, smartest, and most importantly SIMPLEST solution to the unexpected surge in demand is to have rolling blackouts.....

it's not a conspiracy, it's smart utilities management. now, was that too hard to understand?????

and if your gonna attack obama at least have the courtesy to attack his actions, his words, not his ears.... he's not the one that looks like an ass when you do that.... ;)


Well-Known Member
An instance in which partisan, ideological biquering and corruption cause nothing to get done. The solution is to push both sides of the coin. Get alternative energy to a place where it's practical/efficient and get more of our own oil, gas, coal in the mean time. Arguing one or the other isn't moving foward. Oil isn't going away in the short term and our problems with the mideast aren't improving, so we need to be drilling.


Undercover Mod

this is a sad state of affairs. how are those windmills working out for ya? how are your little faggy electric cars charging back up in a blackout?

we need an energy revolution in this country. drill, build nukes, dig coal, the works. its time we tell feds to go fuck themselves and lets start using our natural resources again.

Our money would be better spent on developing the solar industry because the coal will be gone before the sun will. Sustainability is key to the future of our world. Why invest on coal infrastructure when 200 years from now all the coal will be dug up and burned?