Nail biting final stages


Active Member
My 3 plants are now 4 weeks into flower and coming on nicely. All the fan leaves are now drooping - is this normal? Also, about 30% of the hairs on the top buds are now brown. I know I have to wait until it's more like 70% before I can harvest but how will this work when the buds are all at different stages - the bottom ones are only just forming and they get bigger the further up the plant. Will I harvest the tops first or will they all catch up? I'd hate to do something wrong at this late stage. Should I be stopping the nutes now and what's this flushing thing I keep hearing about and how do I do it? To sum up my questions:-

1 - Drooping fan leaves - normal?
2 - Will they catch up?
2 - Stop nutes?
4 - Flush - how?

Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
First of all its not the hairs that you are looking for.
The hairs turn color during the cycle.

The Trichomes are what your looking for. They are tiny. Its the sparkly dust you see on buds. If you look real close you will see they are clear, then they turn milky, then amber color. you can harvest when milky color for a good head buzz or wait till amber for a good body stone. Your choice. Check out my My Journal link below my post for more info.

1 Drooping fan leaves.

Usually thats caused by over/under watering.
You may want to go a day or two without watering, If the leaves dont start perking up, Water a bit more than you were.

2. Most plants flower for 8 weeks. as the plant goes through flowering the end of the leaves do tend to yellow. Thats natural. If your lighting does not penetrate the canopy and get to the lower buds you can harvest the top cola and wait until the rest come to term.

3. Stop Nutes.

Keep your nutes the same until the week before you harvest. Then feed them plain water for one week. This gets the unused nutes out of the buds. Thats Flushing.

4- Flush - How?

See above.

You got another 4 weeks to go.
You may want to consider some additives at this point. Kick your PPMs up a bit but be sure to PH at 6.0 or below.