Naming your plants


Well-Known Member
Do you give your plants names? I'm calling my two plants Obama and Panthero. I don't know the sexes yet, but thats irelivant


Well-Known Member
Used to on small personal grows, but the larger grows can get....confusing. I do however ALWAYS name my mother plants, and this time around I also named my strain I created a few years back as well, it's name is MP...for "more please", cause all my friends want it, it's so good.


Well-Known Member
usually ill just call them jane but every great once in a while if i find one fem that i really love ill give her a special name regarding a certain quality about her. peace.


Well-Known Member
Do you give your plants names? I'm calling my two plants Obama and Panthero. I don't know the sexes yet, but thats irelivant

I give seeds a name (just to know the basic genetics). After that clones just get a 1, 2, 3 of the 'parent' name ( for clone of clone of clone aka: Cass:1, Pat:3)