Have a G13 Widow plant that, from the times of it being a seedling, grew into a four branch plant. Im sure there is some term for this type of plant. Almost like a `conjoined twin`. The mutation allows it to grow into fours; whereas a `normal Plant`grows in two`s , opposing is each limb of new growth, and typically growing at 90 degrees to most recent growth, this thing has grown in an equally distributed four stalk system, and all growth has occured in an individual perstock basis.......
Learned alot from this site....
18 Days into Flower, would like to hear opinions as to whether taking a cutting from a plant like this will replicate this kind of growth.
Pictures will follow.
Learned alot from this site....
18 Days into Flower, would like to hear opinions as to whether taking a cutting from a plant like this will replicate this kind of growth.
Pictures will follow.