Need 12/12 from seed growers advice..


So as of right now i have a single room 8'X12'x10' split in half one half veg other half flower, i have two 400 mh for veg and 3 400 hps for flower. i would much rather just deal with one room instead of having it split up so i am thinking about switching to 12/12 from seed. My question is should i still put them under metal halide for the first month or so and when do i switch to hps? Also i wouldn't really go from seed i would have them get to about four inches under t5's 24hrs a day then when ther ready for HID move them to the room. Basically i'm really stoned and want to change up my grow so any and all advice is welcomed i'm just tryin to figure out the best way to setup the equipment i got.. thanks in advance RIU

The pictures are the next batch that i want to start with 12/12 from beginning, they had a run in with thrips but there gettin better now..



im wondering the exact same thing actually! lol

im only in the vegging step and havent set up the flowering room. i was thinking about going 12/12 so i wont have to worry about creating another section for flowering.