need a little help determing sex

so this is after almost 2 weeks of 12/12 im thinking its to early but this is my first grow i know what to look for both male and female but im not seeing either so probley inconclusive but was wondering if some more experienced growers would know or if i just need to be a little more patient bongsmilie:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
you need to be patent; this is stil a sexually immature plant and wont tell sex for awhile

those little growths coming from the nodes are just new leafs and have nothing to do with the sex of the plant


Well-Known Member
Yep, too early yet. Did you go to 12/12 from seed? I'm asking because it looks really immature for a plant that's 2 weeks into bloom, so I'm just curious, as I've never really looked at anybody's results when doing it that way. Interesting. Do they still go through the stretching period? Normally, a mature plant would be growing like crazy right now, so i was wondering if doing it that way would cause the "bloom stretch" to stall. Hmm....

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
it is prob a male---red stemmed---Ph was wrong at seedling so third leaf sprouted Gender goes Male for the rigorous ride it think its in for. Ph 6.5 Fish Emulsion if have to feed it. Should not have to feed for 2 weeks at least seed starter soil ambient temp under 86
Besides the nodes are not even uneven yet to let it mature enough to decide Gender. Sex is for pollination.
it is prob a male---red stemmed---Ph was wrong at seedling so third leaf sprouted Gender goes Male for the rigorous ride it think its in for. Ph 6.5 Fish Emulsion if have to feed it. Should not have to feed for 2 weeks at least seed starter soil ambient temp under 86
Besides the nodes are not even uneven yet to let it mature enough to decide Gender. Sex is for pollination.

its defintly not a ph problem with the stem the soil has been a 6.5 since the seed was put in it i always test the water and the soil weekly and i was just wondering about gender since its been in a 12/12 for a week and a half and nothing showing yet looked at it today before 12/12 night cycle and those are defintly just more veg growing out its been in 12 and 12 since 4 days after it came up went 24/0 for those days never been transplanted been babyed since birth thats the second leaves up your seeing the red on the stem after that the stem goes to a whitish green and is getting thicker everyday also its putting out 2 new sets of leaves every day its hitting a very fast growth almost an inch a day thanks for the feed back guys