Need a little help- Heat stress maybe?


Active Member
OK folks attached are a couple pictures of my beautiful ladies. The one on the right has been flowering for about 6.5 weeks the other has been flowering for about 4.5 weeks. They are both showing the slightest bit of yellowing on the tips of the leaves and slight curling. The one on the right last week started showing what appears to possibly be slight burning on two of the fan leaves that sit about half way up the main cola. I have only fertilized twice at quarter strength at about four weeks and once again at about 5.5 weeks at just under half strength. Thanks in advance for the help!


Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
anyone? please lol

it's a rare thing, but I bet they are under-fertilized, from what you said. The plants start using up a lot of the nutes in the leaves around this time, they are hungry. feed them again, and if you think it's too hot in there, increase the airflow. it can't hurt.


Active Member
It looks like under-fertilization. In the past, I had a similar condition develop, but during veg.

Do some regular foliar feeding, and when you feed your plant next, feed the hell out of it. By this I do not mean increase the nutes, I mean water the container to the point where all the soil is saturated. That will give it the maximum supply of nutes until the next feeding. Be sure the soil completely dries until the next water, or you'll get overwatering.