Need A Mod To Delete My Account Please Legal Trouble


Well-Known Member
hermie the elf.JPG
...denied another opportunity to spread his brand of glee, Hermie the Elf silently swears to redouble his efforts...

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
its to late police is already on there way to your house good luck in prison bro
Jeeezzzz, what a breath of fresh air.......I'm sure you really made tom's day........Some day you'll understand that a man's freedom is not something to joke about..........And "good luck" with that..............BB


Well-Known Member
Jeeezzzz, what a breath of fresh air.......I'm sure you really made tom's day........Some day you'll understand that a man's freedom is not something to joke about..........And "good luck" with that..............BB
HOWEVER, it's been made pretty clear that deleting profiles, posts, pictures, and so on, aren't allowed. This must be the 20th + person i've seen attempt to get themselves banned and/or account deleted, since they believed it would mean their posts would be removed...
My favorite was the guy who ran around claiming to be 15 years old, and insisted "They HAVE to delete all my posts and pictures cause, they'll be in trouble for having a 15 year old on their site!"

If you have legal trouble, you have my sympathy. If you want your account deleted, then read the TOS next time, and don't make an account to begin with.


Well-Known Member
that's just plain old bullshit. vBulletin (the software this forum uses) has ALWAYS, and WILL always, have an option to delete accounts.

no, it is not BS. we "simply" cannot delete accounts. it's not that easy. sure we can wipe it, but it would leave HOLES everywhere.

under extreme situations i have seen one or two accounts get labelled as "guest". all the posts are still there.

at we do not offer the option of deleting accounts.


Active Member
no, it is not BS. we "simply" cannot delete accounts. it's not that easy. sure we can wipe it, but it would leave HOLES everywhere.

under extreme situations i have seen one or two accounts get labelled as "guest". all the posts are still there.

at we do not offer the option of deleting accounts.

it's quite simple. i've ran phpBB, myBB, vBulletin and SMF on my servers... what are these HOLES you speak of? missing posts in threads?


Active Member
rollitup not give the option to deleting account, just wondering why exactly is it like deleting evidence and then u get in shit for tampering with evidence type thing

or just dont care to delete, using the user as an example


Well-Known Member

it's quite simple. i've ran phpBB, myBB, vBulletin and SMF on my servers... what are these HOLES you speak of? missing posts in threads?
if a members account is "deleted" it would remove all their posts. this would leave holes where ever they had posted. if a member has 500 posts and their account is "deleted" then there will be threads with 500 holes in them.

we can ban people, and change their name to banned. if that is was you are speaking of. but that kinda looks ugly out on the boards. seeing "banned member" next to peoples posts. we opt to simply ban people and leave it at that. it locks the account and leaves all their posts. as well as their user name.


Active Member
if a members account is "deleted" it would remove all their posts. this would leave holes where ever they had posted. if a member has 500 posts and their account is "deleted" then there will be threads with 500 holes in them.

we can ban people, and change their name to banned. if that is was you are speaking of. but that kinda looks ugly out on the boards. seeing "banned member" next to peoples posts. we opt to simply ban people and leave it at that. it locks the account and leaves all their posts. as well as their user name.

but you guys create holes, so they are good right? i've seen posts deleted in the past few hours which create these holes you speak of.

anyways i find all this rebellious activity as of late very amusing and will continue to watch with a stoic grin upon my face.

thanks for having us :)


Active Member
Why not simply edit all your posts? I mean, I know the time it would take would be crazy, but if the mods won't delete, what else are you left with?


Active Member
Why not simply edit all your posts? I mean, I know the time it would take would be crazy, but if the mods won't delete, what else are you left with?
because you CAN'T with this setup. you only have a short limited amount of time in which you are able to edit your own posts.