Need advice for 1st grow


Active Member
Hello to all,

For a couple of weeks now the thought of growing has been considered and I've now decided that I'm going to go ahead and do it.
I have no experience but I have read some information on growing and probably just know enough to make the plant survive but that's about it.

I'm looking to grow something ,indoors, in a very simple setup with the real minimum, what I come up with at the end is not really my concern as this is a bit of an experiment and I'm not expecting to come out of it with anything amazing.

I have a couple of questions and constraints that I'd like get some info on before I start:

- I'm need a type of bud that doesn't grow very tall as I don't have too much space.
What strains don't grow very tall?

-I don't really want to be bothered feeding nutrients to it constantly.
Is there anyway around this?

-How many hours of light does it need a day?

-How much do I need to water it?

-At what temperature should I keep the room I'm growing in?

And lastly I'm gonna need some very easy to grow stuff.

Well that's about it, thanks for any help.:mrgreen:


Active Member
Hopefully everything works out good for you, but most of those questions can be answered by reading the faq or just by reading a few threads.


Active Member
I forgot to add that i need a strain that flowers in a max of 11 weeks which is pretty demanding!


Well-Known Member
id say go to yourube and type in "marijuana grow video" and you can watch a cool series by hightimes that tells you all the basics and will show you how to do somje stuff aswell, ill try and answer some of your questions 1) youd prob want an indica sativas grow taller, if your really short on space there are auto flowering lowryder seeds which get about a foot tall and bud from sprout.
2) not really
3)during veg itll need 18 -24 continuous light and during flowering 12/12 with no light at all at night time
4)water it when its dry usualy 2-3 days when the soil is dry hold it up, then water it and feel what the diffrence is when its the light ness, water
5) between 70-80 and around 32 humidity with plenty of air circulation or else youll get mold, have a fan on the plants


Active Member
you dont have to actually feed nutrients to a plant. Yes, this will probably make potency stronger and bud outcome fuller, but it is not a necessity. And as for how many hours of light, id say around 12-14 hrs a day.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah definately an indica they will give you a much shorter bushier plant that's good for the beginner grower and grows well in smaller places. You will learn your watering schedual but the general rule of thumb is one heavy saturation and then water every time the soil is dry 1/2 inch from the surface. Nutrients and air flow play a huge part, and like everyone said alot can be learned about all of it just by browsing the threads for a little bit. Good luck!


Active Member
yeah but I'm talking about a setup that consists of: Leaving the plant at an acceptable temperature with light and air flow and it stops there.

Will I come out of this with anything?


Well-Known Member
uhh...maybe, but most pot plans need attention and nutrients to grow well. Some sorta lowryder plant will be good, i think there about 10-11 weeks from seed to finish, and they like lots of light, so having them on 24/7 throughout the growth is best i beieve. there are many types of "lowryder" style plants around, i know there's a blueberry one.

There are always things that go wrong with growing pot, pests, defeciencies, among a string of other things. You need to check your plants at least once a day just to be sure there fine and nothing is eating them or is lacking of. Read up on simple growing and you'll see there's alot more then just plant and leave alone.


Well-Known Member
If you're not going to love and care for those plants it's not really worth the trouble. The plants will end up giving you just what you put into them, nothing. So read up, learn the basics and grow something worth smoking.

EDIT: Sorry, little harsh there, I would suggest getting some cheap ass lights, soil with added nutrients, and your still gonna have to browse the forum for some strains you want. INDICA. Then pick a light schedule, and run with it.


Well-Known Member
the more you put in the more u will get out!
U obviously need a indica strain, get smoe floursent lights (low heat of these so u wont need a exhaust fan) mixture of warm white and cool tubes, If u dont plan of using nuts then u will need the best soil (bio bizz all mix), u will need to ph the water u feed them ph 6.5 - soil grow.. also feed them room temp water or look warm... NOT COLD WATER!
What kind of space u got for grow?? what budget??


Well-Known Member
honestly, as much as you hope there is, theres not maintinance free pot... Therefore, as far as drop in a pot, water and go... no way. Perhaps a venus fly trap would be a bit more suitable? :) j/k. however, weed needs someone to care for it, love it, turn the lights on and off, and even provide a nutritional meal here and there...almost like a kid... except you get to kill it and smoke it later in life lol!


Well-Known Member
headynugs... be nice..were all friends here. Do you know growingpassion420? I think you two would really hit it off.


Active Member
you watch brother, when that first seed pops and you can see it. It will be like chasing pussy you will do any thing for that little plant. I started off with the same idea you had that was a thousand dollars or so ago but the end result is worth it.


Well-Known Member
you watch brother, when that first seed pops and you can see it. It will be like chasing pussy you will do any thing for that little plant. I started off with the same idea you had that was a thousand dollars or so ago but the end result is worth it.


Well-Known Member
Bunny you need to read up on your shit your questions are too simple and too many, all of your questions have already been answered on this site! Go to the beg section and read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!