Need advice, help with room, plants. Have lots of pictures

My plants are dieing and i need some help and advice on my grow room. Im running my 600hps lamp at 75% and have pretty good airflow. I think I may haver added too many nutes and they are dieing. Some of the plants veins/stems are turning or are red and others are green. The leaves are curling and some are burnt around the edges. My pictures have everything you need I hope, anything else I can post back. Im not sure how far the kamp should be either. Please HELP!!!!


Well-Known Member
600w about 18" from top of plant. From the pictures it looks like most are OK but thats what I see. Unless it is a purple strain when the stem turns red or purple, well thats a sign of stress. With the information you gave us, I would say you need to flush the plants with purple stems. use 3 x the size of the container of water.

I dont know what you planted them in but if you got time release nutes it could release more nutes but at least you get the built up plant salts out of there.

Try and keep room temp in the mid 80"s and plenty of fresh air for CO2.