Need advice on a 20plant grow plan


whats up everybody, this will be my very first post here on rollitup and in it id like to explain my grow plan in detail and hope to finally get some outside feedback. If you have any suggestions id really like to hear them before I make this a reality, this will be my very first danko grow. I have spent countless hours conjuring the idea and this is what iv come to so far.
A 10x10 sqf room that I would like to grow 20 plants from seed in, each in individual pots. I have gone over lights for weeks and weeks, and although initially I wanted to go with a much more expensive set up. I think I have found a way to give my plants the various lighting the plants want for strong growth without spending upwards 1500 bucks on lighting alone. I am assuming that my information is correct that a good rule of thum is 100 real wats per plant minimum.
Imagin the mentioned room, 5 plants in a row, 4 rows. A long beam attached directly above each of the 4 rows from end to end high enough so that it will not bother the plants. These beams will be used to support the coords to hang my lights(so the lights can be easily and individually tweaked around) for each plant I will hang a 105w 5000k cfl] and a 23w 2700k cfl] in a Y-socket hanging over the support beam. I wont hang the lights directly on the tip of the plants so naturally the plants will be benifiting from more than one of the y-sockets. From veg to harvest I also want to hang several 1000w MH bulbs spread throughout the room hanging slightly higher to affect more surface area. I chose these lights because I figured it would be a good idea to have a mix of colors in my light always readily available during growth so at times in growth when the plants are better at using certain colors the light will be right there waiting to be used.

does that sound like a good enough plan to produce a nice sized load of good lookin budz?

I was also wondering if it would be a problem to water my plants from water directly out of a mountain runoff creak?

thanks for any advice at all I would really love some replies.

Spend the money on the lights. It is the most important part of your grow. If you want strong healthy fast growing plants with good buds you need a lot of light. Dont shortcut on the lighting. I was running cfls and then i finally just picked up an h.i.d. light and the difference in growth is unbeleivable.

Mountain water should be fine. It will not have the chemicals that tap water does but look into cleainin it up with some peroxide solution because there might be tiny organisms in the water.
Oh goody my first post on this forum...

You have not done your homework, sir.

If you're going to spend on 1000w MH lights, you may as well get HPS and MH or even just HPS lights. You can't just hang the bulbs either, you have to get the whole thing. Both the cost and the benefit of the CFLs will be negligible. If cost is a problem, start with 1-2 good HPS lights and add to it later.


thanks, I was hoping somebody would bring up hanging the bulbs, why cant I just hang them?

And the 1000w MH bulbs are only 20 bucks a pop.

And my reasoning for choosing the MH over hps to add to the cfls was that I figured I was already getting some red light from my 2700k cfls, and that I have read in multiple places MH lights tend to promote the quality of bud growth during flowering while hps during flowering will promote bud size.


samiamsam i have the exact same room size and have been wrestling over and over with the 4 x 600s or 4 x 1000s comparision i will say the reason for the idea of the 600 s is i have 1 1000 hanging in a octogon reflector and the room is sealed off it gets real hot in there and if i had 4 1000s i would have to vent the the air cooled reflectors and get some can fans i live in the nw region of washington and the weather has been no hotter than 70 and the room is still too hot for quality grow. i would not do the hang down method if you dont have air cond. because it will be to hot please stay in touch so we can compare note thanks dan


600W is twice the temp of a 400W, 800W is twice the temp of a 600W

With multiple 1000W you will need $$$$ for additional cooling


haha were neighbors vapordan, although the room I want my setup in is in a generally hotter part of the NW US. so i could be facing some heating issues. although...
iv heard before that a few feet down into the earths surface the tempeture is bassicly the same throughout the world, would an underground room help to elliminate heat issues? anybody know anything about that?


thanks marko, thats good to know i wasnt anticipating much heat output. cfls dont give off much heat though right?