Need advice on cooltube / filter / fan hookup.

Hello. Some quick background on what i am trying to cool/scrub.
- 8x4x7 closet, 225ish sq ft.
- 400w MH mounted in 24"l 6" diameter cooltube.
using a
- 6" inline high velocity fan, 450cfm
- 12" long 6" diameter carbon filter from growbright
**i do not plan to use, but i have a 6" inline 160cfm fan also if needed**

My thoughts of hookup are as follow.
- aproximately 4-6ft of ducting involved as light is raised or lowered.
- Ducting and cooltube suspended by ratchet system
- Carbon filter suspended by ratchet system

[Exhaust here]<--[450 cfm fan]<--[Ducting from fan to cooltube]<--[Cooltube w/ 400w]<--[Carbon filter]

My theory is the 450cfm fan should be strong enough to pull through the carbon filter, effectively scrubbing the 225sq/ft grow area.
I am also assuming the air coming in through the carbon filter being pulled past the light <--- may be enough to cool the small 400w MH inside the large cooltube.

My questions are
1. Is this a viable system?
2. Do you have suggestions (how could i better utilize the equipment i have)

Further information
- I currently have 2 6" passive intakes bringing 73 degree air in from the opposite side of the room.
- Exhaust is mounted at top of room, passive intakes bottom of room.
- My currently average temperatures on a 18/6 schedule are: 79-82 Lights on, 72-80 lights off. ( the higher than normal lights off temp is from a humidifier, i run the humidifier at night to keep temps from falling below 70f.)
- Current Daytime humidity 45-55%, Lights off Humidity 50-70%.
- I utilize a 16" oscillating fan, wall mounted, for air circulation
- I have a 6" clip on i place where needed to disperse radiant heat from the cooltube

Thanks for your time and consideration.
This is a first grow attempt.
Sounds like it will work just make sure the fan is the right size for the carbon filter. If it blows too hard then it will suck the air through the carbon too quickly and will not be able to fully deodorize the air. Where if the fan doesn't blow hard enough then it will only suck air through the top part of the filter and will not be as effective at deodorizing the air especially over time as the carbon degrades.
If i am reading that image correctly, Yes, i could do that. Let me make sure i understand.

Use the 6" inline fan as an intake fan, have it pull cold air from another room, and push cold air into the tubing connected to the cooltube.
Run ducting off the back of the cooltube to the 450 cfm fan. Ducting from the back of 450cfm fan into carbon filter. Finally ducting into exhaust port.

Is this correct based on the picture you provided?

I also have a speed controller for my 450cfm fan. If my airflow is overpowering i will slow the exhaust fan.
I am growing 4 plants under a 400w, so i am not expecting a ton of odor problems.


Active Member
The pic is nice but when I had my inline blowing INTO the lamp it didn't cool good enough and my temps were hitting mid to high 80's. I switched it around so the fan was pulling air across the lamp and temps dropped into the high 70's to low 80's for almost a 10° difference. My fan is a little undersized for a 1000w lamp but I don't think that would matter when it comes to cooling the same bulb with the same fan and you change the direction of airflow and drop 10°. I think you have it right with what you described first, fan being the last thing before your exhaust pulling air over the lamp.


Well-Known Member
funnily enough joe i find it cools better when they are blowing over the lamp so it goes to show every grow room is different and you will have to find what works best for you.

chevelle i have a 6" fan acting as the EXHAUST, it sucks through the filter then blows through the lights and out of the tent into a chimney. the piece of ducting at the back you see is from my 4" intake that is situated outside the tent, i no longer use intake as the power of the exhaust creates enough negative pressure to do both jobs.

fan speed controllers are the bomb, i have one in my new set up and i only have my fan turned on 1/3 power, in the summer i will have to turn it up but as it is now my filter is doing hardly any work as the air is passing through it so slowly


Well-Known Member
I run a 600W in a cooltube, with the air drawn through the filter, past the light,and then finally on to the fan which is near the exhaust end. It works great, and I can turn my fan right down and the cooltube still does the business.

As long as your filter is big enough that it allows your fan to pull enough air through (it doesn't even seem to me that much , so a 6" fan should be plenty) you're golden.
My pipes are all 6" noise-reduction ones, which slows down my airflow a lot anyway. My pipe is about 10ft total from filter to exhaust end. Think I'm using a RVK or whatever they're called...
Thanks for replies, i hooked up my system today and am experiencing temps around 78 now. I also have a much better control over humidity with the closed system which is nice.