Need Advice on Indoor Grow

I am getting ready to attempt my first grow.I need help on deciding which way to grow.I will be growing indoors a garage at my house that is well insulated I just cant decide wheter or not to grow with hydroponic's are plant in soil.Can someone please tell me the benfits and which way they prefer.thanks before hand


Active Member
You know what if this is your first time I would just get some bag seed and try soil. Once you get a grow under you belt then get into hydro.
I like soil much better. cheaper!

Illegal Smile

I am getting ready to attempt my first grow.I need help on deciding which way to grow.I will be growing indoors a garage at my house that is well insulated I just cant decide wheter or not to grow with hydroponic's are plant in soil.Can someone please tell me the benfits and which way they prefer.thanks before hand
Based on all the information you've provided, I'd say soil.


Active Member
Also if you have dirt weed and take a bean from it and grow it it will turn out seedless (hopefully if it's female) And much better quality then the schwag you took it from. If you grow it right it can be close to dro quality.
I've bought some seeds from dif places and they've turned out better than some dro I've seen.


well i prefer to grow all organically. idk but i always thought growing hydro was like manny taking roids to hit home runs. lol but this isnt the majors, its herbs so i guess its all up to you. Just make sure you learn from mistakes from a first grow.. and the second.. and so on.. and so on. its a process to perfect the art of good bud making. i honestly would try a simple setup for your first run. Pick a medium of your choice, some good ol trusty seeds, a decent lighting and ventilation setup and watch your little beauties grow. Just remember, the simpler your setup, the easierit is to troubleshoot your problems. but thats just my input. as you can see, low posts haha so Im a newb (muahahahaha)

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I guess I'll buck the trend and say hydro.

Pretty simple to make a DIY bubbler bucket and buy some $5 pH test strips.

Your call, though; do some research into which each entails - hydro requires more monitoring until you're dialed in, but the benefits are also greater.

Just like finance, more risk = more reward.


Also if you have dirt weed and take a bean from it and grow it it will turn out seedless (hopefully if it's female) And much better quality then the schwag you took it from. If you grow it right it can be close to dro quality.
I've bought some seeds from dif places and they've turned out better than some dro I've seen.
I agree, i've had some pretty 'not so dank' plants seed out some real beauties. but in time you learn that no diamond is naturally polished
Thanks for the quick reply guys.i have made my choice soil it will be.I have been reading a lot of post in here now miracle grow or Scotts soil which do you prefer


I actually tried the miracle grow seedling mix for the first time last month and right away got a couple diff. deficiencies. Scotts usually balances out nicely and needs very little adjusting as long as theres no washout of nutes


Well-Known Member
I am getting ready to attempt my first grow.I need help on deciding which way to grow.I will be growing indoors a garage at my house that is well insulated I just cant decide wheter or not to grow with hydroponic's are plant in soil.Can someone please tell me the benfits and which way they prefer.thanks before hand
soil is way less of a headache