Need Advice on LED Layouts and Build ideas

Hey all,

Need some advice on how build layouts and driver selections, I have been lurking various forums soaking as much information as possible. My room is around 2.4x2.4m, I have a veg space of 1x1m.

I have the following already

6 x QB96 v2 (With Heatsinks)
4 x QB288 R-Specs (With Heatsinks)
6 x DIYLED LM301 Scope Strips (Around 75w per strip, Think he said they take around 48VDC max)
28 x Samsung F Series si-b8t521560ww (I guess these are similar to my Scope Strips just 561s instead of 301's?)

2 x XLG-240-M-AB (For the QB288s)
2 x XLG-200-H-AB (3 x Scope Strips Per Driver)

I was just going to use the HLG and DIYLED boards till I saw the killer F-Series deal on this forum, now I think maybe it would best to rethink the whole setup and incorporate the F-Series into my floweing setup and use around 8 strips in my Veg Space which is Multi Tiered. I think I will be grabbing some XLG-150s for the QB96s or three HLG-320-54s. I currently have one conneted to the XLG-200 and it gets super hot, so I think 150w is the sweet spot for efficency.

I was thinking of making on large strip build mixed with the Scopes and F Series, and then doing the same with the QB96s. Maybe two QB96's between four F series?