need advice on setting up grow room for production


Active Member
Hello everyone i am new to therollit up forum ... here is my situation i had ia grow house with a partner of mine (who was a professional grower) we were set up for about 8 months and my partner had to move back to CALi (girl problrms) so now i am left with 3 aeroflo 60 converted in to 120 s ... we had six 1000 watt lights but he took them... i have hydrofarm 8 set grow buckets , a reverse osmosis machine ,and a huge carbon filter left ... i want to set up another 2 bedrooms from scratch i know how to do most of it but am afrad to use the aero flows (a) they take up alot of space (b) he used advanced nutrients and i couldnt get those nutrients down and to be honest i do not know what the heck i am doing when it comes to the chem.everything else i have a grasp of ......SO MY QUESTION IS 2 parts the first basically a newb grower should i start out with soil and then start with aero ponics? and if aero is the way to go ... i was planing on doing the same thing that they did in the SEE MORE BUDS VID VOL.1 ... money is not an issue ... just want advice on how a newb should start a grow op allover ... do you thing the aquamist systems are easier thing for me to tackle ?.... I REALLY APOLIGIZE IF MY GRAMMER IS BAD ... PLEASE HELP ME OUT GUYS ... thank you in advance


Well-Known Member
ok. let me make sure I am understanding this correctly. You have 3-60 site aero-flos and you added another 60 site to each of the 3, and you have a total of 360 sites, with three reses, etc? wow, that is a lot, and you can do all of the plumbing, air handling electric etc. yourself?
The nutrient control is dependant on the meters, if you can set this up you can learn how to read a digital meter. 90% of it is water and you still have the ro machine, I would assume the Pro bought the size necessary for this operation or money might be an object. Earl can help you with adjusting nutes etc. several others, FilthyFletch would be my choice if he has the time. There are probably several others here that run aero flos, or other nft set ups, I just haven't paid attention to that, its not the system I am using.
What size are the rooms?? VV


Active Member
i got the air ducting and electric down ... have to work on the plumbing.... the ro we have is badass.... it is the merlin.. as far as the room sz they are 2 bedrooms that 8x10 .. the whole house is 1500 sq ft .......I am using another location for the mothers and clones ...... the situation before was i was the financer and aprentice .... i got most of it down we had 2 really nice crops except lost have of the 2nd crop due ti root rot because the water temp was too high..... the reason why i couldnt get the nutes down is that he used sooo many of them and i just and never did them on my own ..... anyway ... when i said money isnt a problem ,it is not a problem for me to if the set up produces but if not I cant afford to take a chance on an elaborate set up if it doesnt work.... so what ever i do i have to get it right this time ... now i do like the set up that see more buds has in vol 1 and leaning towards doing that.....i also so widow makers set up in his newb post which is really cool that is why i am in the grow room link.Basically i need a fool proof esy to maintain efecient set up that will produce 20-30 lb if that is possible in 2 8x10 bedrooms ..... i do have a helper my 60 year old uncle who grew outdoors back in the day in that is what i need oh VICTOR thank you for reply brother i really apreciate it


Active Member
i just looked at my last post and it looks confusing .... maybe look at it this way if you were going to have a grow house built for volume and eficientcy .... growing white rhino and ak-47 ..... what would you do if money wasnt a problem..... what i really need is someone for me to study under for another year but i am on the east coast and dont even know anyone here that even grow 5 plants let alone a room full .


Well-Known Member
one piece of general advice. get one light, start with a relatively small number of plants - say less than 10, and get the experience you need before putting any more money into the setup.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
I agree with desertrat, get a couple of small grows under your belt before expanding. It's easier to concentrate on the needs of a few plants rather than a room full. If you can manage a grow from start to finish without messing up, then up the scale of your op.


Well-Known Member
i got the air ducting and electric down ... have to work on the plumbing.... the ro we have is badass.... it is the merlin.. as far as the room sz they are 2 bedrooms that 8x10 .. the whole house is 1500 sq ft .......I am using another location for the mothers and clones ...... the situation before was i was the financer and aprentice .... i got most of it down we had 2 really nice crops except lost have of the 2nd crop due ti root rot because the water temp was too high..... the reason why i couldnt get the nutes down is that he used sooo many of them and i just and never did them on my own .....
Ok, did you solve the hot water problem, must have, if not you will need chillers, around $400 each.
Instead of using a lot of different add-ins, you may have to just buy better nutes that have all of that stuff in them. And get good meters. It's hard to learn what to do if you never do it. Some folks just are not good at training others, thier thought is that they can do it faster than they can let you do it, and tell you how. It is not that difficult, you read your meters and react according to what they tell you.

anyway ... when i said money isnt a problem ,it is not a problem for me to if the set up produces but if not I cant afford to take a chance on an elaborate set up if it doesnt work.... so what ever i do i have to get it right this time ... now i do like the set up that see more buds has in vol 1 and leaning towards doing that.....i also so widow makers set up in his newb post which is really cool that is why i am in the grow room link.Basically i need a fool proof esy to maintain efecient set up that will produce 20-30 lb if that is possible in 2 8x10 bedrooms ..... i do have a helper my 60 year old uncle who grew outdoors back in the day in that is what i need oh VICTOR thank you for reply brother i really apreciate it
You have everything you need except a little confidence. That will only come with experience. The 8' by 10' may be a problem. three of you units are 6' by6' and three are 6' by 5'. 120 stations would fit in each of those rooms, and could give you a Harvest of 60 plants every two weeks. VV:blsmoke: