Need Advice On Trimming?


Active Member
So I Have Had Many Many Many Different people Look At My Plants And Tell Me Different Things Some People Say Just Let It Grow Naturally And Not To Prune It Unless The Leaf Is Dieing.. And Others Have Been Trying To Tell Me To Prune The Giant Leaves cause They are just taking up Nutrients. The Leaves Are So Huge Really Dont Want To Take Them Off And Also Have Been Told BIG leaves mean its a Health plant But Kinda Have Been Hearing Conflicting Statements...

This is my first grow in a 4x4x6 with a 400W they seem to be running out of room Really would like to get some potent stuff!!!! Just want some peoples opinions? And how u think they are looking. they are 10 days into flowering after 33 days veg.


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@KushCreator thats the very video I was watching yesterday. I was thinking about doing it myself for better light penetration but since I'm in flower, didn't wanna stress them so just tied a few branches down instead. Hope u having fun, looks like u got lots of bud sites forming, in that pic :)

Thanks for the comments! yeah im excited! cant believe they turned out this way for my first time!
Only reason to take fan leaves is for light penetration to other parts of the plant....remember we want that little thing called photosynthesis happening, and with no leaves thats kinda hard for the plant to do.